I am so excited, I feel as if I have officially made it, as I have reached 500 subscribers on my YouTube channel! Yay! Time for a party! Well, not really but I liked the way it sounded. Getting to 500 subscribers has been so much fun, and I have learned a lot along this journey so far. I am so excited for the future of my channel, and to see where it grows from here.
If you didn’t know, I have a YouTube channel with videos (52 so far) all related to horses, horse projects, and how to tutorials. I decided I wanted to do this after watching probably 50,000 videos with people sharing their information all related to horses. And the one video that really pushed me to make my own channel was by a girl with a channel called “jacksongoboybuck”, and she and her dad made a pair of wing standards.
After watching that video, and making my first pair of standards, I decided to share my knowledge with the world on building horse jumps, and it’s just kind of grown from there.
500 subscribers may be small potatoes in the world of YouTube, but it’s a start. It is a very humbling experience for me to know that 500 people out there actually want to watch videos that I have made. I am not a video personality, and not a professional in the world of video by any stretch of the imagination. But I have learned (thanks to the constant prodding of my husband) to keep making videos, and I will get better. And you know what? He’s right! With every video I put up I learn something new, and I think they will continue to get better and better.
It’s just like anything you do, the more you do it, the better you will become. Kind of like horses right? The more you ride, the better you get.
The motivation and passion has to be there as well. I don’t make videos to get rich, or for fame. I make videos related to horses, because I love them, and I love sharing things I have learned with other horse lovers.
I don’t know where I will be a year from now, but I do know I will continue to make videos and write blog posts of my adventures with my horses. Hopefully you will join me on my journey, and maybe you will find a tip or trick that you may find useful along the way.
So I just have one thing to say to all of you who have watched my videos, or read my articles……..
Thank you and I hope you like what will be coming up!
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