January Saddle Box Unboxing
I cannot believe it is the end of January already. This month has just flown by! But that;s good, because it means one more month of winter is gone! And we are one month closer to longer days, and warmer temperatures, meaning lots more riding.
And one thing I can count on every month to get me through the doldrums of winter is getting a Saddle Box in the mail every month. I think I appreciate it more in the winter time though, because I have the time to actually plan how I am going to use everything that I get in each box!
Have you ever heard of Saddle Box? If you have spent any amount of time on my blog, I’m sure you have. But if you are new here (welcome!) let me explain what Saddle Box is.
What is a Saddle Box?
Saddle Box is a monthly subscription box that has loads of treats for both you and your horse. Every month the send out boxes on the 15th of the month, and about 2 days later you get to open happiness. And if you sign up for their box right now, your first box ships out right away. This means no waiting 2 or 3 weeks to get your first box! How awesome is that?
They even have a blog that I regularly contribute too. So if you don’t get enough of my rambling here, be sure to check out their blog.
The monthly subscription cost is $34.95 per month, and it ships for free. Everyone seems to offer free shipping nowadays, but the difference with saddle box is that they ship priority mail, so you get your surprise box MUCH faster. To me, that’s a big deal. They have me trained now to be excited on the 17th of each month!
You can cancel your subscription at any time, so there isn’t so long term commitment. You can decide how long you would like to continue the subscription. Another win, in my opinion!
Alright, enough of the commercial, let’s see what is in the January Saddle Box!
Cotton Riding Gloves
The first thing in the box is a pair of cotton textured riding gloves. And they are colorful! The gloves fit me very well, and I love the bright color. I like the cotton gloves because they are lightweight, and still keep my fingers warm when it’s cold outside. I can never have enough gloves, so I am always grateful to get another pair.
If you were to buy these gloves online, they would cost around $9.99. I couldn’t find the cranberry color, but gloves are gloves, and they run around $10.00.
Hand Warmers
I have several pair of these, that I have never used. But it’s really funny, because at my riding lesson this past week, I saw my trainer had them in her pockets! How cool is that?!?!
I have the intention of making a bit warmer with a pocket, and then slipping the hand warmer into the pocket, to warm up the bit for my horse. These little heat sources are very helpful when its cold. And being able to use them for other purposes, (bit warmer) is a huge bonus.
If you were to buy these hand warmers online, they would cost around $6.14 for a 10 pack.
Epona Jiffy Brush
Next we have a very nice Epona finishing brush, and it’s purple! I absolutely adore this brush. It fits into my hand very nicely, and the back of the brush is like a rubber grip. The bristles have some depth, but they are soft. This brush works perfectly behind my horses ears and under their jowls. It removes halter and bridle marks on their faces, without being too hard.
And the bristles are synthetic, making it easy to wash this brush. I have been really h appy with all of the grooming products I have gotten from Epona.
If you were to buy this brush online, it would run about $13.31, and includes the $4.67 for shipping.
Epona Gummy Mitt
Again, they sent this to me in purple. They must know how much I LOVE purple, and that whenever I can, I buy purple everything for my horses. It’s just such a happy color.
This mitt is awesome. It can be used for everyday grooming, bathing, and massage. These flexible mitts feature one side of short bristles that bring dust and dirt to the surface. The other side has deeper nubs that polish coats to a gleaming finish while providing a soothing massage.
It is a 2-in-1 mitt is ideal for bathing, grooming, and feel-good horsey massage. And the mitt fits perfectly onto your hand.
If you were to buy this gummy mitt online, it would cost around $9.49, plus shipping.
Sweet Honey Horse Brittle
Ok, this is my horses most favorite part of the saddle box every month. The homemade yummy goodness of homemade horse treats. And my favorite part of this, is that they post the recipe online. So if your horse loves the treat, you can make it again and again for him (or her). They also included a yummy candy stick. I choose to keep the candy stick for myself, my horses get enough treats!
This was nice because there were 4 treats in this package, so both of my boys got 2 treats. They didn’t complain at all. And all of the ingredients can be found in the regular grocery store. These treats look good enough to eat, I mean for me. I could totally make these as people treats too!
I can’t put a price to these treats, because the only place you can find them is Saddle Box, and they don’t sell them separately. But that might be a cool idea for the future, what do you think?
Horse Sense Book
One of my favorite things about Saddle Box, besides the treats, is that they usually include a book too. And this book is so adorable! There are incredible photos along with inspirational quotes. Talk about providing an uplifting and motivational moment!
I am beginning to have quite the equestrian library thanks to Saddle Box. And having a new horse book is always welcome!
If you were to buy the book, they have it on Barnes and Noble for $10.18.
Jack’s Bucket Hanger
I love these things! This is a safe bucket hanger. And this one has a cool color too! It is string, which is great because Ethan has recently pulled his old one down. I use these to hang their buckets in their stalls, and I like this design because it makes it harder for a horse to get the bucket on the ground. But if he does, the hook is protected so the horse doesn’t hurt himself.
Ethan uses it like a toy, spinning his bucket from side to side. A lot of times he does get the bucket off, so I have to secure the bucket, but knowing that he can’t get hurt when he does get the bucket off gives me peace of mind that my horse won’t mangle himself on a hook. Because trust me, if there is a way for this horse to hurt himself, he will find it!
If you were to buy a bucket hook similar to this one online, it would cost $9.32 on Amazon, and ships free with a Prime membership.
January Saddle Box Value
So if you were to buy all of these things (less the treats) separately, it would cost you around $60.00. So the $34.95 that it cost for the box is worth it, in my opinion. And it’s fun to get a surprise in the mail each month, right? I think it is! And with that, we have come to the end of the January Saddle Box unboxing. Yes, it’s sad, but we will be doing it again next month too!
Saddle Box Giveaway Winner
And we can’t forget to chose the winner of a Saddle Box, right? I mean, this is probably why you have read this much of my post, to find out if you are the winner!
If you are confused, you probably didn’t watch my video of January’s Saddle Box unboxing. At the end of the video I asked you, the viewer to leave a comment on your horse’s favorite treat. And from those names, I would use the random name picker to select someone to get their very own Saddle Box for FREE.
So here it is….. the winner of the Saddle Box for the month of January is………………
Christine Hamill!!!!!
Congratulations!!!! So, Christine, I need you to contact me with your name and address, so Saddle Box knows where to send your special box! You can email me at lisa@budgetequestrian.com
Thank you to all of you that left your horse’s favorite treat on the video, and thank you for all of your kind words of encouragement to let me know that you like my channel. That really means a lot to me, seriously. Sometimes it’s hard to read the comments, because some people can be pretty mean, so I have to pull up my big girl breeches sometimes when I read through comments that are left on my videos. I know, I’m sensitive. But that’s just who I am.
And if you would like a chance to get your very own Saddle Box for free, be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel and watch for my Saddle Box Unboxing video each month on what you need to do in order to have a chance to get your own box for free! Isn’t that awesome? I have teamed up with Saddle Box and they give my viewers, subscribers a chance to get their own box for free every month. I hope this continues for a long time, so everyone can get a Saddle Box!
But if you can’t wait, and you want to start getting really fun surprises in the mail each month, go check out Saddle Box’s website and sign up for your very own Saddle Box!
I would like to see saddle box give a cross charm for your saddle.