Have you ever wanted to take riding lessons, but because of your circumstances, it just isn’t possible for you? Have you ever wondered if you could DIY your own riding lesson program on your own while you are at home?
I think I have shared with you that I am a HUGE fan of riding lesson apps. I prefer to ride at home, and until I feel like I’m a competent rider, I prefer to ride on my own. I also have difficulty concentrating on what someone yells at me from across an arena because I don’t hear as well as I used to. I always feel that when riding under the watchful eye of a trainer who is a third of my age, they judge me and my abilities. Even in that last sentence – I was the one doing the judging! That is probably all in my head. But I do spend a lot of time there, in my own head, I mean.
But this is what led me down a path of searching for a way to DIY my own riding lesson program. And thankfully, because of the technology we have today, it is possible to take riding lessons – all by yourself and without a trainer actually being there with you.

Audio Lessons for Equestrians
This is all possible now because of apps on our really smartphones. I, for one, am very happy they have so many apps available, even for equestrians. About a week ago, one of those really smart people who made an app for our phones contacted me and asked if I would like to try out their app. It’s called Ride IQ. Have you heard of it? I have been using the app and visiting the website for the past week. Before reporting back to you, I wanted to try out the app, find out how user-friendly it was, and see how helpful this program would be for someone like me (and maybe you?).
And so far, in one week, I am very impressed at how helpful this tool is. It’s like having personal access to some of the best riders and coaches in the equestrian industry. The founders and sisters, Jessa and Kinsey, have done an outstanding job with this program. Ride IQ is VERY impressive!
Comparing Ride IQ to Horse Riding Lessons App
I know there are a lot of other riding lesson apps, and I have only tried one other, Horse Riding Lessons. Now I have thoroughly enjoyed The Horse Riding Lessons App. And it has helped me to stay more focused and has given me and my horse something to focus on during our rides. But I also found I was sticking to the same lessons over and over. I also found that there weren’t a lot of new lessons added, which definitely makes it repetitive to do the same lesson over and over.
And while I may not be a beginning rider, I would say my confidence level is that of an ‘advanced beginner’. And the lessons seemed to be geared more toward advanced riders. However, I do have to say the coach is incredible, and I really enjoyed what I learned.
Audio Lessons for Equestrians
Now looking through the library of available riding lessons on Ride IQ, there are many more lessons to choose from. I can see where this would be a long-term solution. And they are always adding new lessons every week.
I also really like that from the Ride IQ website, you can take a quiz, and your results will give you a list of lessons to try out. This is very helpful. I don’t think this option is available in the app, though, or I have not figured out how to access it.

Both of these apps are great, but I think I will use the Ride IQ app a little bit more. Ride IQ even has dressage tests that you can ride through and practice. I really like that.
The one thing I like about both apps is that it’s as if I have a trainer in my arena or on the trail with me. It is literally like having a riding coach at my barn whenever I feel like it. This way, I don’t have to try and remember what I watched in a video. The coach is right there with me while I am in the saddle.
Benefits of Ride IQ

Not only is there a variety of lessons, but on the Ride IQ website they show you all of the other features. They have a blog too, which is really fun to read. They have a private Facebook group for members and coaches to ask questions and connect with other members. At the time of writing this, there have been 129 posts in the last month. It’s a very active group!
Cost of Ride IQ

I am more of a month-to-month type person. And I like that I can pay monthly for the lessons. And if you go this route, the membership is $29.99 a month. When was the last time you paid $30 for a month’s worth of riding lessons?
I like that there is not a long-term commitment to their program. If I want to use it for a few months, I can. Then I can cancel when I am done.
Another benefit is that you can download the lessons before you get to your horse. So if your barn doesn’t have cell reception, you can still listen to your lesson if you download it ahead of time. They also offer a two-week trial (for free), so you can try out everything the app has to offer to see if it is a good fit for you. That is really nice. Most apps offer a week. But I think with a full two-week trial you will really be able to see how much use you are getting from the lessons.
Ride IQ App – Yay or Neigh?
I am really liking the lessons I have completed. And the added features that are on the website are really helpful. I wish there was a way to track my ride in the app, but that isn’t available. But overall for myself, I find this app to be tremendously helpful. The variety of lessons and the quality of the coaches is beyond anything I have experienced.

And being a homebody, budget-minded equestrian, this is something I feel is worth the monthly expense. I mean, there is no way that I would ever be able to afford or justify an in-person lesson with the incredible coaches that Ride IQ has. But that doesn’t mean I don’t want to be the best rider I can be. So for me, Ride IQ is amazing. I think I am going to challenge myself to post a few of my ‘lessons’ in the next few weeks before it gets too cold outside. This way, I can share with you what I am learning from Ride IQ. Maybe I can even sweet-talk my husband into coming out and taking some pictures!
If you are on the fence, try it out for 2 weeks and see what you think. Oh, and there is an option for you to tell them how did you find out about Ride IQ. Tell them I sent you! I don’t get anything out of your sign-up other than the satisfaction of being able to help a fellow Budget Equestrian.
Happy Riding!
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