Today is Monday, and also the Real Riding Challenge day 5! And I won’t be riding Frisby today, he is getting the day off. But, I still wanted to share something with you for the challenge.
I am highly motivated when there is some sort of reward involved. And yes, in this type of a challenge I will be rewarded simply for riding my horse. But I wanted to up the stakes a little for myself. So I decided to test myself a little bit more, with a reward for the end of the challenge.
Just Riding Mystery Box
And because I love surprises, and subscription boxes for horses, I found a really cool reward for myself to open on September 1st! I am always looking for new and different equestrian related things. And I found the perfect reward for myself for this challenge.
There is a company called Just Riding and I believe they are in the UK? I’m not sure honestly. But they are overseas, and not located in the US. But they have one-upped the equine subscription box with a mystery box. And they don’t have just one type of mystery box, they have 3 different premium mystery boxes.

And I have bought one of their $50.00 boxes in the past, and actually made a video of me opening it.
It was pretty neat, and I think it was worth the $50.00 price tag, especially when I found out how much everything they shipped to me actually would have cost if I bought the items on my own.
But because this challenge is a month long, I wanted a BIG surprise, something that would be staring me in the face, and possibly to help motivate me when I have a down day where I don’t really feel like riding. Or try to make an excuse not to ride. So I went big, and I bought the $200.00 Mystery box.
I really had to think on this before I committed to it.

But now that the mystery package has arrived, I am so excited to open it!!!! It took all my strength not to rip open the package when I got it on Friday. But I refrained. And now, the package is sitting in my tack room, awaiting September 1st, for when I can open it!
Adding In A Reward
I think I am the way I am about getting something for doing something because of my mom. When my brother and I were little, in order to get us to clean she created a game, the grab bag game. She would set a timer, and if we got the chore done in the allotted time, we got to stick our hand into a brown paper bag, and get a prize.
I still love surprises, and getting a reward for doing something is still really fun and motivates me big time. So that is what I decided to do for my challenge.
I want to be successful with my challenge, and one way I know I can do that is to have a reward waiting for me at the end. And because this challenge is over such a long time (well, 30 days isn’t really that long) I wanted to give myself a big reward. Which is why I decided to order the $200.00 mystery box.
I’m not going to lie, I was expecting a HUGE box, but instead I got this package:

A little underwhelming, but it came from across the ocean, so I will accept this. The package is pretty heavy, and I can feel things sliding around in it, so that’s a good thing right?
I Love A Surprise
And even though I am very tempted to open the package, I won’t. I will wait until September 1st to open it.

And it is going to live in my tack room as a constant reminder of what I will get once I complete my challenge.
And to up the challenge for myself, I have to do the challenge, every day. Even on Frisby’s off day, I still have to do something, like clean tack, or organize, clean the barn really well, work out….just something that will keep me focused on the end goal.
And if I miss a day, or decide to get lazy and stop, I don’t get to open my package.
This is how I motivate myself. This is how I get things done. This is how I improve myself. And it works for me. Could it work for you? Possibly.
The only way you will know is to try. And if you want to motivate yourself with a physical reward for the end of your challenge, why not give Just Riding a try? It’s pretty cool actually.
And you don’t have to commit to a subscription service, you just choose the type of box you want, and place your order! They ship really fast too. I placed my order on a Monday, and had it by Friday! I thought it would take longer to get here, but they ship really fast.
Get Your Own Mystery Box
They also gave me a gift to share with you. If you click on the code they will give you €10 off your order and they will give me another €10 off my next order! So you can get €10.00 off your first purchase using my unique referral code. Here: Just Riding Referral Code
And if you are wondering what types of products they carry, they are nice! High end equestrian apparel and horse tack. Some of the brands the sell are Equiline, Montar, Animo, LeMieux, Equifit and Ogilvy just to name a few. They are focused on English riding, like hunters and jumpers which is right up my ally!

So if you want to reward yourself (and me) why not try out one of their mystery boxes? And be sure to come back to my blog, and see if you can find the Just Riding Package in the photos! I will try and sneak in a picture or two, so you can see I haven’t opened the package!
And then come back in early September, and hopefully I will have an unboxing post as well as a video for you to see what came in my mystery box! I am so excited!!!!!
I live in Mexico and since we have to pay import duties, taxes, etc I caannot order a box so I will enjoy the surprize vicariously throught you! Thank you for sharing the pdf challenge book. I am motivated and this will help me keep on track! Keep posting pictures of your mystery box!!!
I am soooooo excited to see what is in this package!!!!! I will be sure to continue to post photos of the package in my posts, and sneak it into the videos too 🙂
I do not know how you do it all working full time. I got home tonight from work and was going to do some groundwork with my Morgan. By the time I got done with feeding and moving the irrigation it was about dark. I should not complain, I did work my gypsy gelding. He pulls my irrigation pods around the pastures for me. So at least I worked a horse.
Yay! You did a lot! I’m not going to pretend it’s easy, because it isn’t. But even if you do one little thing with your horses, that’s a good thing. And I know what you mean, I got done working last night, and ran to a friends barn, met her horses, grabbed some rubber mats that she picked up for me, then drove home, cleaned stalls, and worked with Frisby for about 15 minutes. It wasn’t much, but it was something. By the time I got done, it was getting dark, dinner was cold and I still had to write a blog post and find photos to go with it. Definitely not easy, but worth it 🙂