Faux Painting Horse Jump Standards
I have been wanting to get these wing standards completed for the past 6 months. And even though this is not how I anticipated finishing them, The idea popped into my head and I decided to go with it. After seeing the end result, I am so glad I decided to go this route. So I am so excited to share with you today how to faux paint horse jump standards!
Not counting the 6 months of waiting to make these standards come to life, I was able to get them completed in about a week. And this includes doing a little bit of painting when I got home from work. I don’t like to rush the painting process, because if you rush it, something will go wrong. So I did little bits at a time, when I had the time to do it.
And it has been very cold where I live, meaning it takes longer for the paint to dry. So baby steps is a good plan for me when it comes to creating something with several different paint colors.
Making The Standards
The first thing I did was build the wing standards. I have a video showing you the basics of how I did it. I used remnant wood that I had in my garage, and then painted them solid white. This gave me the base of the mortar that will be the base for my brick pattern.
Taping Off The Bricks
This part is a little time consuming but doing it right the first time is worth it in the end, trust me. I decided to eyeball how large my bricks would be, and applied lines of ½” painter’s tape to one side of the standard. Then I set the other standard next to the first one, so I could get the mortar “lines” to be mostly linear. If you want to, you could measure off how large you want your bricks to be. But I choose to just do it and see what happens.
Then I took smaller pieces of tape, and this is what determines the size of each brick. I randomly placed these pieces of tape so that none of them were lined up. I like the random pattern, but you can do it however you like it best.
That is what is so fun about this, there is no right or wrong way to do this! You can make it whatever YOU want it to be.
Choosing The Main Color
I didn’t want to have to go buy more paint, so I found some that I already had. Choosing the paint color was easy. Did I want red bricks, or brown, or gray? But when I found the gray paint, I decided I loved the gray!
I used a small roller and applied the paint to each standard. I only did the gray on one side, because I am going to do something different on the other side of these standards, stay tuned for that blog post!
Adding Texture With Paint
After the main color is dry, then it was time to get creative. I had some spray texture paint, so I randomly added that. Then I decided to do a little dry painting, meaning I only wanted to add texture and random color, so I applied black Rustoleum paint with another roller.
Once that was dry, I found some more spray paint, and randomly sprayed it over both standards.
Removing The Tape
And my favorite part of this whole process is to remove the tape! This is where you get reveal the bricks, and see how awesome it looks!
And after seeing the finished product, it got my mind working on what else I am going to add to make this a complete jump. When everything is completed, I believe this will be my jump of the month for March. I can see the completed jump in my head. So we will see if it turns out in real life how it is in my head.
I hope this was helpful for you. And I also hope that I showed you how easy it is to turn left over wood into a very nice pair of wing standards. It isn’t something you can slap together in an hour, but when you see the finished product, I think you will be very happy with your investment of time.
And did you know if you were to buy a set of standards like this retail, it would cost you about $400.00? So by creating them yourself, you just saved some serious money, and you will have a beautiful set of standards which you can enjoy, every time you are out in your arena!
Faux Painting Horse Jump Standards Video
And of course I made a video showing you how I did it. And If you learn better by ‘seeing’ it done, hopefully this video will help you to create your very own brick wall wing standards!
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