Budget Equestrian Weekly Video Recap
This week I have been in a little bit of a funk. It started last week really, in anticipation of last weekend. So I didn’t get as many videos uploaded as I usually do. We had a lot going on last weekend, and I seem to have the same situation going on this weekend. I am hoping next week I will get back to my normal routine, and get back on track for my video and blog posting schedule. But two is better than zero, and at least I have 2 videos for my weekly video recap, right?
I only had 2 videos come out this past week. But at least I was able to do that. The good news is a few days ago I jotted down enough video ideas for the next 3 months. So I definitely don’t have a lack of ideas! And after I planned my videos, I was able to come up with about 15 blog posts in addition to the videos. Now I just have to get out of my funk, and get the work done.
Here is my weekly video recap for the past week.
Life Happens
This video pretty much sums up what has been going on for the last week. I did write a post that correlated with this video. And I shared with you everything we ended up doing in a weekend. It was a very busy weekend. I think has a lot to do with the funk I have been in. Too much to do, and trying to find the time to get it done.
Easy Halloween DIY Decorative Blocks
I decided to make some cute little blocks for Halloween. In my opinion, the only thing good about winter time is the holidays that come along with it. And I have the time to work on craft projects as well as building some new horse jumps. So if you like arts and crafts, this is the time of year I will be uploading a lot ore craft videos and projects that I can use for when the weather gets nice again.
But these blocks were very easy to make, and that is what this video is all about. In it I show you how to make cute Halloween blocks that are great for decorating, or giving away as gifts. I originally found little blocks like these for sale on eBay. But instead of buying them, I thought I would see if I could make them. They turned out really cute and were very easy to make. It only took a few hours to make these in an afternoon.
Next Week’s Video Plan
This weekend is going to be a repeat of last weekend, but on steroids. My husband is speaking at a conference, and I will be his videographer and photographer. And the conference is the entire weekend. We also have to meet with the guy who is producing the conference each night, so that doesn’t leave a lot of time left over for me to make videos.
But, I am going to try and find some time to make my videos for the week late Sunday, I hope I can get it done! And if I can, this is what I am planning for next week:
- Thank you for 5000 subscribers
- How to soften leather: experiment
- Dollar store first aid kit
- How to display your photos and ribbons
4 videos for the week will really be pushing me, but I think I can get it done, I hope I can anyways! Time will tell, and we will see if I have a nice long blog post for you next week with 4 new videos.
If you haven’t subscribed to my YouTube channel yet, what’s stopping you? Please check out my channel, and subscribe! I will be working on updating my playlists to categorize all of the videos I have. Right now there are 272 videos. That’s crazy! I have made 272 videos basically in the past 16 months! I can’t wait to see how many I have a year from now, and I would love to have you subscribe, so you can find out too!
So, until next time, stay passionate and enjoy your ride!
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