Weekly Video Recap
I am back on track with 5 videos released this week! It is getting a little bit easier to get 5 videos a week out now. And I wish I could say I will be able to continue this momentum, but as the days continue to get longer and longer, I know that I will be spending more time with my horses, and less time making videos.
Who knows, maybe I will be able to find the time to continue, but for now I will be happy in the fact that I have continued to get up 5 videos for the week!
Because of the pace I have created for myself, I am now at 330 videos uploaded and viewable on YouTube, I can’t believe I have made 330 videos! And the funny thing is, I still have hundreds of ideas for future videos. It will be fun to look back a year from now and see how many of those ideas became reality and made it on to my YouTube channel.
So how about we go over this weeks videos?
Monday- February Saddle Box Unboxing
When I went to the mail box I was shocked to find my monthly Saddle Box. I guess I have been so busy that the past month just flew by. And This was a really nice surprise to get in the mail! And because the maker’s of the Saddle Box are so incredible, they have given me the opportunity to share a Saddle Box every month with you! This months’s box has already been given away, but be sure to check back around the 17th of every month for your opportunity to get your own Saddle Box for free, from me and Saddle Box!
This months box had some really nice items, my favorite was the Epona groomer, I love getting grooming new grooming tools to use on my horses.
And this is yet another grooming tool I have already used, and my horses really seem to like it.
Tuesday- Spring Time Shiny Horse Tips
This was a fun video to make. This time of year I have one thing on my mind, getting my horses shiny and sleek. So I decided to share a few tips with you to show you how you can improve your horse’s coat, and get him super sleek and shiny in no time.
Wednesday – Riding Lesson Tips Trotting your Way To Confidence
One thing that has been incredible about my riding lessons is the different ways that my trainer has been inspiring me, and helping me to build my confidence. And one way that she did this was to have a trot race. That may sound odd, but it really works! If you are looking for a way to improve your confidence level, try a trot race!
Thursday- Riding Lesson Tips Look Up!
Another tip I made for you this week is to remember to look up while you are riding. It may sound easy, and simple but it really isn’t. When you are riding, you are so busy doing about 15 different things. And a lot of the things we are doing cause us to look down. One of the most important things we can do while we are riding our horses, is to look up!
As I progress in my lessons, I am developing, or revisiting my habit of looking down. My trainer will need to remind me at least a few times during my lesson to look up, and also to look a little bit forward in the direction I am traveling. Remembering to do this isn’t hard, but it is easy to forget! So the next time you are riding your horse, don’t forget to look up!
Friday- Painting A Brick Pattern On Horse Jump Wing Standards
This was a video that has been over 6 months in the making. I have had these standards built for the last 6 months. And even though they didn’t get painted the way I had planned, I am really happy with how they turned out. And the best part, the painting was VERY easy to complete.
I enjoyed this so much, and it was so easy to do I decided to write a blog post of how I did this. Be sure to come back tomorrow because that is when I will be posting the instructions of how you can faux paint a brick wall pattern on your own solid wing standards.
Tune In Next Week!
I already have my plan for videos for the next several weeks, so hopefully I will be able to get them all done. The filming and editing are done on the weekend and this weekend is jam packed with other activities. Hopefully, I will be able to get them done, but time will tell how everything plays out. But if everything works out, this is what I am planning:
- Painting Horse Jump Rails
- 4 Rails = 10 Different Jumps
- Best Grooming Box Ever
- Riding Lesson Tips – Where Do Your Hands Go?
- Riding Lesson Tips – Is It Too Cold To Ride?
So be sure to check back next week, and see how I did!
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