Attention savvy equestrians and thrifty horse enthusiasts! Did you read my blog post about refreshing my horse jumps? If you did, thank you! But I started thinking, what if someone is just looking to find affordable options for horse jumps that you don’t have to build? Then what do you do? If you’re on the lookout for affordable and practical solutions to enhance your equine training or add to your jump course, look no further than the vast realm of Amazon.
Did you know that Amazon carries horse jumps for sale? Ok, not these jumps in this photo. These are jumps I built myself. Aren’t they pretty?
As a budget equestrian myself, I understand the importance of finding quality horse jumps without breaking the bank. That’s why I have scoured the virtual aisles of Amazon to curate a selection of budget-friendly options that will elevate your riding without emptying your pockets. So let me show you some of the best horse jumps deals I found on Amazon, helping you save money while unlocking a world of possibilities for you and your equine partner.
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Best Horse Jump Deals on Amazon
Someone recently asked me a question about the prices of horse jumps. And while I didn’t understand if she was asking why horse jumps cost so much or why I was pricing my jumps for sale the way O was, I thought would dive a little deeper into finding affordable horse jumps.
I get it. Not everyone wants to build jumps. Or they don’t have the space, time, or tools. Believe me, I get it. So when I was searching for affordable jump options, or actually all horse jump options, I remembered a company called Platinum Jumps.
This company has been building horse jumps for a very long time. And they are on Amazon too. And they sell their standards, jump rails, flower boxes, gates, and, well, everything else you would need to have jumps for yourself at home.
For example, you can buy this ‘baby jump set‘ for about $925. However, keep in mind this does not include the freight cost for shipping. And that added in freight cost can be expensive. Also, the jumps aren’t ready to go right now. No, it will take about 4 to 5 weeks for your jumps to be completed. So if you order them today, they should be ready by the middle of July for shipping.
And when you consider adding in the cost of shipping for a jump, or a set of jumps, the cost can add up. But if you are looking for a general guesstimate of how much it can cost to ship, I found this guesstimate from a company called JB Horse Standards. They make incredible jumps. So beautiful. And they are located in California. They have been courteous enough to add this little snippet to their website about the cost of delivery:
So this gives you a very rough idea of what it costs to ship large pieces of equipment. It isn’t cheap, for sure. However, if you are lucky enough to live close to a place like this – you could save a lot of money by picking them up yourself.
Crafting a Horse Jump Piece by Piece
Ok, I know. That is a lot of money to ship and a long time to wait for a set of jumps. So let’s see what else we can find on Amazon.
Jump Rails
Oh how I love the jump rails. They are just so beautiful with all of the color combinations you can make.
The colors are truly beautiful and add so much to jumps. I love crafting color combinations for the jumps I build, especially when they turn out as good as this one did!
But finding horse jump rails on Amazon, well, this search is a little more challenging. And of course, the first place I find is Platinum Jumps.
You can buy a set of 6 rails(or poles – whatever you call them) painted from Platinum Jumps for $324, and you get to choose the accent color. So the main color of the rail is white, and then the stripping will be the color you chose. But again, keep in mind you will also need to add in the shipping cost as well.
The only other option I can find for jump rails is this:
You’re probably wondering, “What the heck?” I know, I know. Not a great option, but hey, it’s an option! This is a set of Pole Bending Poles from High Country Plastics. You piece them together for pole bending poles, and you get enough components to make 6 six-foot tall poles for pole bending. But, if you added a couple of extra pieces, you could turn these into jump rails.
Seeing these makes me wonder, why not craft pieces like this that you could make jump poles? Wouldn’t that be something? You could configure different color combinations simply by adding different colors together. And if they could have some sort of twist-to-close system to keep them together – I see a really cool opportunity for someone! (Not me lol) But this would be an affordable way to get horse jump poles to the masses and not have to figure on sooooo much extra for shipping.
I don’t know, just a thought.
Horse Jump Standards
When it comes to finding standards on Amazon, this is a little bit easier. Yes, Platinum Jumps has its standards on Amazon.
They offer 5 or 6 foot horse jump standards in redwood stain or white. The standards are wood, so they will be heavy. And the cost is $123-130 per pair. And I know I sound like a broken record, but don’t forget to add in the cost of shipping!
You could also think outside the box and try a different type of standard, such as this:
This is called The Stacker. And it is a version of a jump standard that you can find on Amazon. It cost $229 per pair and this offers FREE shipping! Yes! FINALLY something that has free shipping on Amazon!
The Stacker allows you to jump up to 2′ in height and are easy to move. The upside to having standards like this is you never have to paint them! They are made from plastic! If you bought these, you also wouldn’t have to buy jump cups for the rails. The stacker has little pockets that cup the rail. So it saves you that added expense when making a jump for yourself.
Jump Cups
Amazon has many, many options for jump cups. The one in this picture is by Dapple Equine, and it’s a one-handed jump cup that lasts forever. It’s not cheap, though. A pair will run you about $36. So if you have 10 rails for your jumps, you’ll need 10 pair of jump cups – $360. That’s a lot of money for jump cups. But they do last, so if you are using your jumps a lot, you may want to invest in them. They are pretty awesome.
Or you can get these which are a bit cheaper. These are Tough1 Equi Royal Jump Cups and they will run about $12 a pair. They are pretty god, but they do bend fairly easily. And the pin, well, they do get lost or dropped. So having a way to keep them together is very helpful.
Best Horse Jump Deals on Amazon
Even though it may take a little bit of work to find them, there are parts to horse jumps you can buy separately on Amazon. You just have to be patient as well as creative.
I think I am going to dive a little deeper into all of the horse jump companies I have searched through. And share what they have to offer. Who knows, they might be in your backyard! And you may be able to get jumps for yourself even cheaper!
Happy Riding!
Kay Frederick
Enjoyed this post. Whew, with those prices plus shipping~~~WAY out of my pocket book range! I enjoyed making mine at the time , but I know not everyone has the means to do so as you mentioned. Right now, I have a few small pines that I’m going to get cut this winter and offer them as jump poles. It will be fun to strip the bark and paint them. I have some vintage bark stripping tools(a gift from my father-in-law many years ago) that makes stripping really easy. I’m sure you’re still horse hunting and I wish you the best.
It seems like everything has gotten so expensive – post pandemic doesn’t it? I mean everything – it’s crazy! I am so curious about making natural poles out of pine trees – that sounds like fun! Right now we have a downed Aspen tree with a HUGE trunk. It is huge and heavy, but every time I see it I think to myself – that would make an awesome jump! But it is way to heavy to move. We moved it with our tractor to get it out of the way until we can figure out what to do with it, or turn it into firewood.
Thank you for your good wishes for horse hunting! Believe it or not – the hunt is over- I have found not 1 but 2 adorable friends to bring home – more on this really, really soon! 🙂