Oh my goodness. Spring seems like it is FINALLY here! Did it seem like this year was a never-ending winter to you? It sure has seemed that way to me! And with spring almost officially here, now is the time to get rid of that heavy winter coat your horse has been carrying around. And to help you discover the best of the best, I have compiled a list of the latest and greatest shedding tools for you and your horse in 2023.
I have tested and tried each and every one of the products I am sharing with you here today. And I am confident that these are the absolute best tools that will help you to get your horse summer slick in no time.
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The Best of the Best Shedding Tools for Horses
A long, long time ago, horse people didn’t have much of a selection when it came to shedding season. I remember having a spring-loaded curry comb and when I saved enough money for it, a shedding blade. Thankfully though, there are a lot of different tools for us to choose from today!

And here in Colorado, we aren’t quite to the full-blown hair piles time yet. But it will be here very soon. This means we have a couple of weeks to really get serious about putting together a shedding tool kit so we can be ready to go when the hair lets loose. So let’s get to it, shall we?
SleekEZ Original Deshedding Grooming Tool
I cannot say enough good things about this grooming tool. The Sleek EZ has got to be my most favorite shedding tool of all time. And they even come in different sizes. The first one I bought was a medium size. And this year I think am going to buy the larger one.

This thing works. No question, this is the tool that I get the most satisfaction from using. The amount of loose hair it removes is nothing short of amazing.
A very long time ago when I first saw the Sleek EZ shedding tool, I came up with my own. And it works, and it’s safe too. I read somewhere on another blog an author was cringing at the fact that anyone would use a hack saw blade to groom a horse. Saying that this is the most dangerous thing you could do. And I would like to remember where I read that. Because I did use a hack saw blade to make my DIY shedding tool. And you know what? It works just fine, and my horse is OK.

This tool is still a part of my shedding kit, and it IS safe to use.
But back to me singing the praises of the Sleek EZ shedding tool. It’s an incredible tool for removing loose long hair and debris from your horse’s coat. The hair floats away and doesn’t gum up the blade of the tool. The blade itself is like a hack saw blade, but it has little ripples in the blade. I think this is one of the reasons it works so well.
The Latest and Greatest Shedding Tools for Horses in 2023
I have to say if you are going to add one tool to your shedding grooming kit this year – the Sleek EZ is the tool you should buy. It seems to work well for dogs and cats too, at least according to all of the reviews on Amazon!
Posture Prep Cross Fiber Curry Comb
Ever since I learned about this massage curry, I wanted to try it. And last year, I bought one. The main purpose of this curry is in the name. Posture Prep. The way you use the curry is intended not only for grooming, but it’s also meant to help stimulate the skin and really get the blood flowing before you get into the saddle. And it really works.
But I have found in addition to the main purpose of this grooming tool, it is an incredible help when it comes time for shedding season!
The Posture Prep Curry Comb is made from flexible plastic. And it has some pretty long ‘teeth’ that really get down through thick hair to the skin. And this is a great help when it comes to removing loose hair. It is also a gem of a tool to have when your horse decides to take a mud bath. It easily removes the mud making it easier to get your horse looking great faster.

Yep, Plezant decided to make the most of the melting snow. And that paired with his long hair meant he was a muddy mess. When your horse has a furry winter coat, the mud clumps into little clods. Not fun to try and remove!

I think you can see from the picture, Plezant is starting to shed. The proof is on my gloves! But the Posture Prep Curry allows me to remove the dried mud without upsetting my horse. Now that makes me happy. Because I love spending time with my horse, brushing him and grooming him. I think this is my favorite thing to do by far, make him look his best. So I don’t want to do anything that is going to hurt him or make grooming unpleasant for Plezant (LOL!) But he was a muddy mess the other day, and I used a few of my shedding tools but started with the Posture Prep Curry, and I think the results speak for the effectiveness of this curry.

Not summertime slick or shiny for sure. But most of the mud is gone! And the curry is easy to clean. The hair that accumulates in the curry come out very easily making it ready to be used over and over again.
StripHair Gentle Groomer
Now I bought this tool all the way back in 2019. And what got me to buy it was the videos of people grooming their horses with it and the piles of hair coming off – it was incredible!

And the Striphair Gentle Groomer is a multipurpose tool for sure. Not only does it help to get rid of loose hair, but you can use it as a sweat scraper too. I really like using it on my horse’s legs. It helps get the built-up layers of skin and debris off easily and gently.

The Latest and Greatest Shedding Tools for Horses in 2023
And it’s made from a flexible rubber-type material making it easy to hold and conforms to the horse as you are using it. I have had mine for a few years now, and it looks just as good as the first day I used it. It’s also very easy to clean. I just run it under water, and it clears away anything on the groomer. In fact, I get all my shedding tools ready for shedding season by bringing them inside and cleaning everything!

The Striphair Gentle Groomer is even a great help in removing dried mud too. It will gently work away at the mud until it’s gone. It’s like it sands down the mud, thanks to the textured surface of the groomer. You can use this tool for cleaning the hooves, the face, shedding of course, but also the legs, and even bringing the skin oils to the surface to create a shine on your horse’s coat. This is why I love this grooming tool, and I am pretty sure you will too.
Hands-On Grooming Gloves
These came out quite a while ago. And I remember when they did, I was so excited to try them out. And these Hands-On Grooming gloves are pretty incredible when it comes to grooming and shedding. I think I bought mine all the way back in 2016 when my Budget Equestrian YouTube channel was just getting into the swing of things.

And I still have the original pair that I bought way back when! They are definitely sturdy and well made. And they are fun to use! You put them on like gloves and then groom your horse. You can give a really nice massage with the Hands On Grooming Gloves.
I do find that the hair gets stuck in the little grooves, so I wouldn’t recommend these if your horse is seriously shedding big time. But to really get in there and work the deeper tissue, these gloves are wonderful. They are also really helpful when it comes to giving your horse a bath. You can get a nice lather up with these gloves!
I really think that when these gloves came to market, it seemed to spark a whole new ear of shedding and grooming tools for horse people. Seriously, not long after I got these gloves I started seeing a lot of new tools. So maybe we have the Hands On grooming gloves to thank for all of the incredible new tools that are available!

Again, people with dogs and cats seem to agree that these gloves are great for grooming their fur babies as well as horses. At least according to all of the reviews on Amazon. I am actually having a hard time finding reviews where horse owners share their experiences with a lot of the shedding tools I am sharing with you today.
Farnam Slick ‘N Easy Horse Grooming Block
Again, this tool is tried and true. And I believe this is the first fancy grooming tool I ever bought for myself. Thankfully, the Farnam Slick ‘N Easy Grooming Block is still very affordable. This is good because I usually buy one every year.
And you might be wondering if it’s so good, why buy a new one every year? That’s because they disintegrate with repeated use. That may not seem like a good thing, but once you use a Slick ‘N Easy Grooming Block, I think you’ll agree they are worth the $5.00 cost.

You can keep your horse looking his best with the Farnam Slick ‘N Easy Horse Grooming Block all spring and summer long. This fiberglass tool allows you to transform your horse’s coat in minutes by quickly removing dirt, dust, and hair, leaving him or her slicker and shinier. This easy to use tool allows you to help shed out your horse’s winter coat by gently, yet firmly, scraping the block over your entire horse’s coat. The block works to trap hair fibers and gently sweep away top and undercoat fibers.
All you have to do is scrape your horse’s coat vigorously in rapid, short strokes and watch the magic happen. Seriously. It’s that fast. You will notice that after using it for a while, the grooming block will develop rounded edges and actually get smaller. But you can restore a sharp edge by rubbing the long edge on concrete (flat sidewalk, block wall) or any similar abrasive surface.
So while it may not last forever, it is definitely worth getting and trying out. You know what they say, seeing is believing!
Coat Defense Daily Preventative Powder for Horses
Now, this is something new that I have only been using for a month or so. But it seems to be very helpful to have during the winter months. Coat Defense’s Daily Equine Preventative Powder acts as a waterless shampoo for horses. It cleans and deodorizes horses’ coat, mane, and tail. It creates a nice shine too. Which in the wintertime is very nice. No soap, water, or harsh chemicals. It is made from a blend of natural ingredients which makes it safe to use every day.
The Best Shedding Tools for Horses in 2023
It’s easy to use too. You just sprinkle it onto your horse’s coat, and then you can massage in the powder, or use your curry comb.

I have been mostly using it in the winter. And in the rare instance when I get to ride, and Plezant works up a sweat, this does help to dry the sweat off of his winter coat before putting his blanket on. It works fast, smells great, and leaves his coat soft and shiny when it dries.
And as an added bonus, The Coat Defense covers stains like grooming chalk. Once the coat is dry and brushed out it seems to help lift the stain underneath. I have heard that it dries with a white residue, but I haven’t noticed it on Plezant’s bay coat.
And with the way the powder ‘sticks’ to the hair, it seems to be helpful for removing the loose hair from his coat. This is why I think the Coat Defense Powder would be a great addition to your springtime shedding kit.

Epona Shed Flower Groomer
Who would have thought a little seemingly gimmicky thing made for horse people would be so incredible? But it is! The Shed Flower is one of my favorite tools for shedding season.

I know, it doesn’t look like much. But I assure you, this little groomer is a great tool. I like them so much, I have 2 of them!
First, the Shed Flower fits nicely in my hand. This makes it super easy to hold as I’m working it in a circular manner on Plezant.
And I just work my way around his body. That’s it! The Shed Flower releases the hair that it picks up easily and quickly. It also works great at removing dried mud. But – not to the extent that your horse is coated in a layer of thick mud. No, when that happens, it’s probably best to bust out the hose. Hopefully, it’s warm enough to do so.
But for light coatings of mud, the Shed Flower works really well to break it up.
Tiger’s Tounge Horse Groomer Scrubber Massager
Oh my goodness. This sponge. Wow. Just wow! The Epona Tiger’s Tongue Horse Groomer magically wipes away caked-on dirt, mud, manure, sweat marks, saddle marks, and dander from your horse easily and quickly. I would have never thought I would spend almost $10.00 for a sponge. But once I saw this sponge in action, I was sold.

The Best Shedding Tools for Horses in 2023
The flexible sponge-like material contours to your horse’s body, so it can be safely and easily used on the face and other sensitive areas. If your horse is sensitive or ticklish, this is a great addition to your shedding kit. You can use the Tiger’s Tongue Horse Groomer wet or dry, making it perfect for all weather conditions. It can even be used to scrub shampoo into your horse’s coat when bathing for an extra, extra awesome bath.
Epona has really done it with this design. The sponge has been engineered to resemble the texture of a cat’s tongue, get it? Tiger’s Tongue sponge? This is one of the reasons why it’s good for shedding season. It has lots of other uses too. But for springtime shedding and de-mudding, the Tiger’s Tongue sponge is incredible.
Don’t get fooled though when you look this up and see a knockoff of the sponge for less. It’s not the same thing, and you will be disappointed. Just spend the $10. It will be worth it! Your horse will thank you for sure.
Wooden Grooming Tote
I love having multiple grooming totes. I don’t know why. But I do. I have my everyday tote, my winter tote, my bathing tote, and of course, my shedding tote.

And my shedding tote is one I got a long time ago. Sadly, it’s really difficult to find anymore. Unless you go to eBay, they seem to have them on occasion. This one came from Ikea a long, long time ago. But I love the size of this tote. It is perfect for holding a few necessities. You can make your own for a lot less than buying a wooden grooming tote. I wrote an article about it. And you can find that post here.

It’s really easy to make – I promise!

And even though he is going to go and find the muddiest part of his pasture, and I will have to do this all over again tomorrow, he looks pretty darn good for today. Not too bad for a furry monster right?
The Latest and Greatest Shedding Tools for Horses in 2023
Ok, so to recap, it’s shedding season – YAY! And I have tried so many different gadgets and gizmo’s over the years that claim to be the best for helping to get your horse to shed quickly. But of all of the things I have tried, these are by far the best of the best:
- Sleek EZ
- Posture Prep Cross Fiber Curry Comb
- Epona Shed Flower
- Epona Tiger’s Tongue Sponge
- Striphair Gentle Groomer
- Coat Defense Powder
- Slick ‘N Easy Grooming Block
- Hands On Grooming Gloves
All of these products are definitely worth what they cost. And they will make shedding out your horse an easier process. So give one, two, or all of them a try!
How about you? What is your favorite tool to help get through shedding season? I would love to know, and I bet my readers would be curious as well. Leave a comment and let me know what your favorite tool is for shedding season.
Happy Grooming (and shedding!)
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