I Have Created A New Habit
Last night, I completed my own challenge. And while I am extremely happy to be done with it, I woke up this morning feeling a little lost. Because every day for the past 32 days, I have been getting up at 5:00 AM to work on editing a video, or working on a blog post to share with you. But today when I woke up, I didn’t have anything that I had to do. That’s just weird!
Have you ever heard of the saying that if you do something for 30 days in a row, it will establish a habit? Well, as I sit here at 5:30 in the morning writing this blog post I can attest to the truth of it. If you do something every day for 30 days in a row, you will have a new habit.
And after reviewing all of the posts I have created over the past 30 days, I thought it might be helpful for you to have all 30 days of the challenge in one place. Which is why this post was created.
The 30 Day Confident Rider Challenge
Here is a recap of the 30 day confident rider challenge, every day, in one place!
Day 1: 30 days to being a more confident rider
Day 2: Knowing the signs of relaxation in horses
Day 3: The best tools for better groundwork with your horse
Day 4: Repetition and consistency to build confidence
Day 5: Backing and leading your horse
Day 6: How to lunge your horse
Day 7: The importance of groundwork
Day 8: Tacking up your horse for groundwork
Day 9: Getting your horse to stand still for mounting
Day 10: Make a quality day with your horse
Day 11: Walking trotting and cantering to get ready for riding
Day 12: The difference in tack
Day 13: Reevaluating your confidence level
Day 14: Introducing ground poles to your groundwork
Day 15: Taking your horse out on the trail
Day 16: Choosing something challenging to work on
Day 17: When you have a bad day
Day 18: Wearing a helmet for safety
Day 19: Getting in the saddle
Day 20: Tacking up for trail work
Day 21: Using ground poles in your arena
Day 22: Day off for your horse, but you could still groom your horse!
Day 23: Lunging your horse before you ride
Day 24: Don’t get bored
Day 25: Recording your riding
Day 26: It’s time to trot
Day 27: Listen to the podcast
Day 28: Working on two point position
Day 29: Are YOU ready to canter
Day 30: Before and after photos and reflection
30 Days To Being More Confident In The Saddle
And that is it! 30 days, and 30 ideas that you can work on to improve your level of confidence around your horse. Starting from the ground, and working your way up into the saddle. And if you are a more visual learner, I have 30 videos for you over on my YouTube channel, The Budget Equestrian that you can watch, along with an additional 400 and something other videos too.
I made a commitment to myself, and to you to get this challenge done, and I was able to do it! No easy task, I assure you. But it is done, and time to figure out what my next goal will be with my horses. Hopefully this information will be helpful for you, and help you to be more confident around your horse!
Hello Lisa,
I have just found your 30 day confident rider challenge. Looks awesome, with spring not far off. How can I access this?
Also, I am just about to paint some ground rails and I see some are painted only white and some are of different colours (at 18 inch or so spacing??). Why are some ground/jump rails multi-coloured?
Hi Corinne 🙂
If you go to my YouTube channel, The Budget Equestrian and go to play lists I have 30 videos that walk you through the 30 day challenge. And regarding my ground poles, some with striping, some solid colors, it’s because my ground poles also serve as my rails for my jumps. SO I can use them as ground poles, and also use them for building jumps 🙂
I love the ideas and more information you can never have enough info. The calendar on workin with horse
I have 4 I have 1 really rideable horse and a 3 year old in training and just took in 2 other horse (not sure there status) beside jumpy and it’s been a while since they were worked with there 28 and 38 years old .
I love ideas and things to do with the horses;) thank you for your knowledge 😉
Hi Guys
Here are a few tips on the mental aspect of being an equestrian, and how to remain positive through adversaty.
Hope you enjoy them.