Setting goals is extremely important when it comes to showing horses. Horses are a very expensive hobby, no matter which way you look at it. But when you decide that you would like to begin showing, that expense gets even larger. That is where I am right now. I have two horses, and one I really want to show. I actually bought him with that idea in the back of my head, and that is my goal, for next year. I really wanted to show him this year, but due to an injury he sustained in early March, and not having enough time to get him (and me) in shape for showing, I decided it would be best to wait until next year for Ethan’s show ring debut.
And in order to prepare for going to a show, or series of shows, I need to have all of my ducks in a row, meaning I need to have a clear cut plan for how I am going to be able to afford the extra horse, along with what will be needed for showing. Since we are nearing the end of the show season for 2016, I felt it would be best to begin my quest for horse show grandeur in 2017.
There are a few items of clothing I would like to have, and then there are the entry fees and club memberships to consider, along with trying to purchase a horse trailer that I will feel comfortable hauling behind my husband’s truck.
No easy task in the money department, trying to get this all figured out. But I don’t let it overwhelm me, instead, I map out a plan, and get to setting my goal, and how I am going to make this work.
What I Will Need to Show
First, I plan out my expenses of what I will need to get to the shows next year:
- A horse trailer (I really want a Brenderup trailer) ($7000.00)
- A new show shirt ($120.00)
- New breeches (just for showing) ($126.00)
- A show helmet ($234.00)
- New pair of boot socks ($15.00)
- Silver polish for tack ($15.00)
- New belt ($55.00)
Not a huge list, but the trailer is going to be the biggest expenditure I need to save for. And once I have my list of items I feel are necessary for showing, then I go on to the costs expected for the shows. And even though the items I have chosen are expensive, it doesn’t mean I will spend that much money on these items. Most likely I will bargain shop, and look for sales in order to get these items. But, this gives me a rough estimate for my goal setting.
Horse Show Fees
- Club membership ($20.00)
- CHJA membership ($60.00)
- Meridian Riding Club Show ($295.00)
- Parker shows total 5 shows ($300.00)
- Gold Crest Show ($215.00)
These fees are pretty much set, unfortunately I have not figured out how to get a deal on horse show fees….yet.
Additional Costs
And then last but certainly not least, the vet check fees, and also including annual shots for both of my boys. Yes, I could do the shots myself, but when the vet comes out to do it, it is just so much faster, and I have to have him out anyway for the exam, coggins, and such, so I just have them do it. However I do my own worming, which is really cheap and easy to do on your own. ($275.00)
So that is everything (at least right now) that I can think of, so here is the overview of costs associated with getting ready to show for 2017:
- Equipment: $ 7565.00
- Show Fees: $ 890.00
- Vet: $ 275.00
- Grand Total: $8,730.00
Oh my goodness that’s a lot of money!!!
However, now that I know what it will cost me, now I have to come up with a plan of how to earn the money, without spending any money from my regular pay check.
Determining The Plan
That is a lot of money, however, if I can come up with a plan to earn that money now, then it won’t be that horrible over the course of the next year to get to my goal. And the horse trailer is the major culprit for the cost, which isn’t that bad, if I use it!
Setting Goals
If you want to see how I am planning on achieving this, be sure to subscribe to my email list so you can see how this lofty goal is going, and my progress as I work toward my goal. Or, if you are feeling adventurous, and motivated (which I hope you are) why not create your own goal plan for yourself? I would love to know what it is you are working toward for your goal! Please share in the comment section below, and I promise to be one of your biggest cheerleaders as you work your way toward your goal too! We can be goal buddies! 🙂
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