Ok, it is officially here, No Stirrups November is here! But what does that mean? Does it mean every ride is without stirrups? Or is it just 5 minutes of riding without stirrups? It is whatever you want it to be! But to get started, if you have never done this for an extended time before, it is best to plan about 5 minutes or so of your ride without stirrups. And get ready to feel the burn! If you are doing it right, in a few day your legs will start to feel it. But it really is worth it!
Riding without stirrups has so many benefits. You will be improving your core muscles, you will have better balance, and of course your legs will be more stable, and it can help with your posture in the saddle as well. So many benefits!
Stability Stirrup Leathers from Total Saddle Fit
And as an added bonus when you begin to use your stirrups more, you will really be able to feel the difference in your riding. And to help your stability even more, you may want to consider a different style of stirrup leather. Myself, I really likes the Stability Stirrup Leathers from Total Saddle Fit. The leather is a little bit wider, and I find it really helps my leg to stay quiet in the saddle.
I bought mine a few years ago, and I have to say these are my most favorite stirrup leathers I have ever used. They don’t stretch either. The pair I bought several years ago is the same pair I am using now.
The company also guarantees the leathers! They let you try them out for 90 days, and if they don’t make a huge impact on your riding, they will pay your shipping both ways! How’s that for a guarantee?
Ok, back to exercises for no stirrups November!
I thought it would be fun to share a few different exercises with you that you can do during your ride. Myself, I like to have at least 2 different ideas to focus on. And I usually wait until the middle of my ride, and then right before the end. And here are 3 different things you can do to begin your process of riding without stirrups!
How To Ride Without Stirrups
First things First, how do you ride without stirrups? You can just drop your stirrups. This is the easiest thing to do. And probably the only thing you can do if you are riding in a western saddle.
But if you don’t want your stirrups bouncing around while you are riding, you can cross your stirrup leathers and stirrups in front of your saddle. It makes it a little bit easier of you lower the buckle of the stirrup leather, and then pick it up and cross it over in front of your saddle. It does take a few extra seconds, but once in awhile if you are doing lots of no stirrup work it’s worth the few extra seconds.
Or if you are really bold, you can remove your stirrups and leathers from your saddle. I will do this a couple of time during November, but more towards the end of the month. But whichever way you do it is ok. The important thing is that you’re doing it! Yay You!
Drop Your Stirrups and Pick Them Up Again – Without Looking
The first part of this exercise is easy. Dropping your stirrups – just pull your feet out of the stirrups! Do a lap (or a half a lap) and then pick them back up again. But, you can’t look down to do it.
So once you have ridden your lap, halt your horse, and then find your stirrups again. Don’t look down though. And you can’t reach down and find them either. If you have never practiced this before, it can be frustrating at first. But the more you practice it, the better you will become. So practice this often. And this month is the perfect time to practice!
If you continue to work on this skill, by the end of the month you will be a pro at finding your stirrups!
Walk Without Stirrups
This may sound easy, but if you have never done it before, it can be challenging. The goal is to be able to keep your horse at an even pace one full lap around your arena.
When you are walking around, focus on keeping your heels down, and grip with your calf, not your knees. When you grip with your knees your center of balance changes and will throw you forward in the saddle. So really focus on gripping with your calves.
While you are walking focus on stretching your body. Think about raising your shoulders to the sky and stretching your heels to the ground while your seat is in the middle of the saddle. Feel yourself moving with your horse and keep contact of your legs at his sides.
Once you have completed a full lap, pick up your stirrups again WITHOUT looking down. Now you have just combined 2 exercises into your ride!
Sit In the Proper Position at the Halt
This sounds easy, but is it? Start by walking your horse (without your stirrups) and after 50 feet or so, ask your horse to halt. And really feel what you are doing when you ask for the halt. Have him stand quietly for at least 5 seconds, and then ask him for a walk again. Really focus on how you are using your legs, seat, and hands when you ask him to move forward again. And then continue walking, but don’t stop after 50 feet – keep going for about a half a lap around your arena and again, ask for the halt.
Practice this for at least 4 times of asking for the halt. And always pay attention to how your posture is in the saddle, and the position of your legs as well. Hopefully you will be able to tell that your posture is improving as you really stretch your shoulders up toward the sky, and your heels toward the ground. Talk about a core work out!
You may not feel it after your ride, but I think you will after a few days. Like the other 2 exercises, it may be hard to do at first, but with practice and consistency you will get better and better!
Commitment to Ride – 3 Exercises to Practice for NSN
Hopefully this gives you some motivation to get into the saddle. As well as giving you a couple of different things to practice on. I promise you, the more you do this, the better you will get!
And if you practice these 3 exercises, you have just complete 3 of the bingo squares on the bingo card for the No Stirrups November Challenge! With your free space, you might even almost have a bingo! How cool is that?!?!?!
Be sure to come back tomorrow for another helpful blog post in helping you get through No Stirrups November!
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