Holy cow, where has the summer gone? I think I blinked, and it’s almost August! Yikes! And I don’t know if you have been following my saga, but way back in May, when I brought my new horses home, I decided to partake in a challenge. I love challenges. And I found this challenge put on by Ride for Success. I signed up for the Avid Rider challenge. I felt this would challenge me for sure. But bringing two horses home, I felt this was a realistic and attainable challenge for me. I have been tracking my progress. This challenge goes over two months. And in two months’ time, if you have 32 sessions, you get a ribbon. I love ribbons just about as much as I love challenges!
And way back in early July, I shared my riding log with you for the month of June. So with July just about over, I wanted to share my July progress with you as well. And that is what today’s post is all about. Forgive me. It is VERY long.
Avid Rider Challenge
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Avid Rider Challenge – July Sessions
So like I said, there are a lot of words here. But maybe something in my sessions might be helpful for you. Which is why I am sharing it with you.
July 2 Riding: Timon
Today I had an experience I have never had before, my friend trailered over with her horse, and we rode in the arena together! I was so excited about preparing for this ‘event’ I spent the prior 3 days getting my arena in shape for my guest. Well, I tried to anyways.

And then I woke up extra early and got outside to get Timon presentable for his new friend. I also spent about 30 minutes on the ground working him through the exercises I have been learning in the TRT Method of horse training.
He is still unsure about me and what I am asking of him.
I thought I would ease him into English riding, and removing the cavesson of my bridle might be helpful. You know, making it more of a ‘Western-style’ bridle. He seemed to do well like this. I also learned that when I take him out to the arena, I keep the halter on him and bring his bridle with me. This seems to work really well for him.

And when Vickie came over, I admit, I was nervous. Here I have a new to me horse, and I am riding him in an arena with another horse. But everything went very well. We, of course, only walked, but he did very well.
He is getting better with his whoa, and listening to me when I ask him to stop. I still feel like I rely on my reins when I ask him to stop. So While Vickie worked on her gaits with her adorable little mare Majazzt, Timon and I worked on transitions. He did really well.
And overall, having someone in my arena to ride with was so much fun! After about an hour of riding, I was done. But Vickie, nope, she was just getting warmed up.

So I brought Pumbaa out so he could also be a part of the fun.
I paid attention to Vickie and what she was doing. While watching her, I was thinking to myself, this is what I need to be doing. This is where I want to be. So now I have a new goal within my goal for the month.
Thank you, Vickie!
July 4 Training: Timon
I really wanted to ride today. But, with it being the 4th of July, I was very nervous about the potential for fireworks. So I decided to forgo the saddle, and Timon and I worked on the things we have been working on from the ground. We worked on leading and learning to move away from pressure.
I have also been studying things I am learning from Coach Krystal Kelly through the Riding Lesson App I have on my phone and some training I have downloaded from The International Equestrian website.
One of the courses is called Speaking the Horse Language. And inside the e-book is a game to play with your horse called the boo game. It’s a fun way to work with your horse.

So Timon and I worked on this.
I also was working on a video about equine first aid kits, so I used him as my model to demonstrate how to check a horse’s vital signs. This was a lot of fun today! Timon did great, and I was very happy with how the day went. Oh, and even the nighttime too. Even though there were fireworks. Both Timon and Pumbaa did great. They basically stood in their stalls and did not spook at all.
July 6 Riding: Timon
Ok, I really feel like I am getting into my groove with managing riding, training Timon, keeping all of my horsekeeping skills in practice, and figuring out my riding schedule. It’s only taken 6 weeks, but hey, I’m doing it!
So today, when I got home from work, I decided to ride Timon in the arena. I wanted to ride him in the back pasture, but I am not 100% comfortable with that idea yet. So we stayed in the arena. And I focused on things that will help get me out of the arena and out on the trail. Because that is what I really want to do with him. I want to go on a trail ride with my horse.

Every weekend there are riders that are riding out on the road. And I want to do that with my horse.
So we worked on the whoa, as well as one-rein stops and flexibility. Timon is really stiff. But with time, patience, and practice, he will loosen up. He is already getting much better with his ‘whoa’. And if I keep working with him, I know in time I will get him out in the back pasture and then on the trail!
July 8 Riding: Timon, Training: Pumbaa
Oh how I love Saturdays. There is so much potential for the weekend. And two whale days to work with my horses. I love it! I also started working on something a little different, I started making some audio-style videos with dressage tests. Putting more time into dressage is a good way to get going the right way, right? And having an audio dressage test to work through would be fun. And you know what? It is!
I recorded the USDF Introductory tests A, B, and C. And today was the first day I put one to use.
I also found a new bit for Timon. It’s a thick snaffle with a little roller. He seems to like it and is pretty quiet as long as I give him the reins. He doesn’t really like much contact, so I am working on this with him.
But one day at a time, right?

Avid Rider Challenge
And then there is Pumbaa. Oh, my goodness. This pony is so adorable. So with Pumbaa, I lunged him for a bit, and then we walked around the arena. We worked on his ‘whoa’ as well. And he seems to be very well trained. He does get a little sensitive if I move around him quickly. And I’m not sure if this is just who he is or if he had something happen in his past. But this, too, is getting better. One day at a time, right? I also have been working with him getting used to having me mess around his hind end.
And one thing he seems to enjoy is getting a little bit of oil rubbed into his tail. I noticed a few days ago he was rubbing the dock of his tail. So I applied some light oil to the dock area, and he seemed to enjoy this thoroughly. I will see if this helps so he isn’t rubbing out the top of his tail. He really does have a beautiful tail!
July 9 Riding: Timon
After riding with Vickie early, I decided to continue this process. So I fed and cleaned early. And then decided to try my Dressage saddle on Timon. He has accepted the English tack really well.
He may not be an ‘English’ horse yet, but we’re getting there!

I did lunge him first. He does better if he is lunged first. And this also gives me a few minutes to have him work on standing still at the mounting block before I use it to get on him. He has gotten MUCH better with standing still while I get on. Oh, and he has also gotten a lot better with staying out of my way and not crowding me when I feed him. I know that was a random thought, but I have been working with him staying back until I tell him he can have his dinner, and he is so much better!
Avid Rider Challenge
But back to the riding….

He likes the big chunky bit. This is the Herm Sprenger Copper Double Jointed Snaffle Bit. And Timon did well in the dressage saddle too. He seems very comfortable in this tack. So my baby steps have been paying off. We worked more on the Intro Dressage test A. It is nice having the audio ‘lesson’ or dressage tests to work on. I feel like I have a purpose when working in the arena. I am thinking about sharing these audio dressage tests on my YouTube channel. Maybe if I am having fun with it, others will too. And I already have them done, so why not?
Today was a good day for Timon. It was for me, and I am happy with my own progress and his. And honestly, this was really exciting because today – I accidentally cantered. I say accidentally because it was! He was trotting, and I was focusing on not relying on my reins and not giving him multiple instructions. And he was trotting faster and faster, and then bam! It happened – he broke into a canter! And the best part was I didn’t care. Actually, I was happy. So happy I can’t even describe it. I cantered on my horse! OMG! I did it! And it was no big deal.

I was so happy, and all I had to do was get out of my own head. I don’t know if it’s the TRT Method, the Riding Lessons App, or just the practice practice practice on my part. But whatever it is, I am glad it happened, and I cannot WAIT to ride again!
July 13 Riding: Timon
It has been so hot this week, but I really wanted to ride this evening. So I waited until after 7:00 PM. I wasn’t sure how Timon would feel about working so late, so I fed him a partial dinner right when I got home from work.

This poor horse. I am always doing something different with him! One day riding early, one day riding late. Sometimes I wonder if he is saying, ‘Hey lady, make up your mind!’ But he is a good sport, mostly, and comes along willingly.
And something else I thought about this evening on my ride, I thought about my stirrups. Typically, I have been always riding in my fancy-schmancy saddle with fancy stirrups. But lately, I have been riding in my cheapie Dressage saddle with my wannabe Jin stirrups. Is that why I feel like I’m riding better? Or could it be because I’m actually improving? I would hope it is the latter.
Avid Rider Challenge – Half Way through the Month
I went back to my Horse Riding Lessons App for an audio lesson. We worked on finding balance out of the saddle and upper body yoga in the saddle tonight. If I could figure out a way to take pictures of my riding without having my husband come out and be my photographer. He’s a good sport and will come out if I ask, but I know this is so boring to him. And he is busy doing his own thing too.
So I have resorted to using my camera on a tripod. It works, but I can’t get close-up photos unless I am right on top of my camera.

Timon was a good sport and did what I asked of him. He doesn’t seem to mind me waving my arms all around when I am riding him. As long as he has all of the reins and can wander where he wants to, he is pretty happy with being ridden. I do need to work on having contact with the reins. So I have been mindful not to rest my weight on them while gathering them up a little more with every ride.
July 14 Training: Timon, Training: Pumbaa

Tonight after work was basically a lesson in standing patiently. Well, It was also a ‘spa day’ for the horses. But while they were getting their spa treatments, they each had to wait patiently while I found the things I needed to groom them. This included much running between the tack room and feed room and a few trips back to my garage.
I have learned not to be lazy and to ensure each horse is put away when working on the other. It only takes a few minutes, and I need to do it. I know this. But sometimes, I get so excited to be out there with them that I get lazy.
Avid Rider Challenge
However, if I take a minute to put each one away, then bring the one I want to work with, it’s a much more meaningful and dedicated time for that particular horse.
I also learned I need to be more organized with where I keep everything.
July 15 Training: Timon
Well, it’s Saturday again! And while I had intended on riding Timon early again today, that didn’t happen. With all of the work I have been doing outside with my horses, I have been neglecting some of the housekeeping things inside my home. And I need to get this set of jumps completed and ready to sell. So a whirlwind day of cleaning and painting horse jumps and then running to the horse show to take pictures left me running back to the barn at about 4:30 PM. Not quite what I had planned. But I did want to work with Timon, so we did some groundwork this evening.

I do love the groundwork. And I have thoroughly been enjoying the TRT Method of working with a horse. And it’s been a bit since I led Timon around the arena, and he likes to see how far he can push it and get into my space. So we had a quick refresher on backing up and backing off. He gets it. But he does like to test.
I also worked with him on trotting in hand. It may sound silly, but I could never get Frisby or Plezant to trot with me. It was probably me. So I promised myself that this time, I will push myself out of my comfort zone and work on things that make me uncomfortable. And it’s working.
I am getting better and willing to take more chances than I have in the past. This is making me a better horse person and definitely less fearful. More doing and less thinking. Just do it. At least, that’s what I’m telling myself. And it’s working!
July 16 Riding: Timon
I have been working on my riding arena nonstop over the past eight weeks. The ground has just been so hard. And this concerns me because when I brought Timon home, he was not sound, or at least, they told me he had issues with soundness. So I have been beating myself up trying to improve the ground in my arena. I even went so far as buying a tiller and tilling the entire arena.
And then I got smart and learned that I can actually change how deep my arena groomer goes. Talk about a Homer Simpson moment. But it was worth it in the end because the dirt in my arena is nice and soft, not compacted, and easier for Timon to go in. Then I’m not second-guessing myself about working my horse.

And today, I basically said, F it – I’m going to work my horse. And I did. He went so well! I am so happy with how he is going!
Today we worked on another Riding Lesson App lesson – Simon Says. This is a really fun one. And I got more points than I gave away. Long story unless you have the App and have done the lesson. But this app is a lot of fun and worth the $27 a month it costs.
If there is one thing I am most proud of the past two months is that I am actually doing this thing – working my horse and also documenting my progress. And I have some time left, and I am at 29 sessions between my two horses – I will get this thing done! I am so excited!
July 19 Riding: Timon, Training: Pumbaa
I was so happy with my progress that I slacked off a bit. And one thing I have noticed is how much I love being outside working with my horses. This has been really cool. And tonight, after work, I worked with both horses.
But I did things a little differently and started with Pumbaa, the cute one. Ok, ok, they are both cute. But the pony, oh my goodness, this little man. And it has been a little bit since I spent dedicated time with Pumbaa. So we went on an adventure and went outside of the property confinement. Holy cow, he loved this. Getting outside the fencing brightened him up, and he loved going outside for a walk.
Most people walk their dogs, I walk my pony.
We worked on stopping and moving away from pressure. We worked on backing up and, of course, the whoa. He is very good at the whoa.
Avid Rider Challenge
And while we were doing this, Timon was happy to eat his hay. I find that he is ok with Pumbaa being away from him as long as he has food.
This horse is totally food motivated. Is that a gelding thing?
And after Pumbaa was brushed and fly sprayed, it was Timon’s turn.
I decided since I took Pumbaa out front, I would take Timon out back, and we would work on hill work.
The Riding Lesson App actually has a hill work lesson, so we did this. There are sections when she offers trot work, but since this was our first outing out back, we only worked on walking.
There are sections of the lesson where she asks you to feel which back leg your horse uses to see if you can feel it. I have to work on this. I think I can feel it, but I want to know. You know what I mean? I think this will get better in time. And the hill work was awesome. I am very grateful that I have a hill to work with!
July 21 Riding: Timon
Tonight, we went back to the arena. And again, I brought my phone and worked through my audio lessons that I have made the dressage tests. I focused on the entire intro test A, making sure I know what a 20-meter circle is. For me, riding a perfect circle is hard. I find it is actually harder to do in walk than it is in trot. And once I can get a perfect circle in the walk, then I practiced in trot.
I do feel that my legs are getting stronger. I also found a pair of really cool Ariat boots that were at Dover Saddlery for $100!
Avid Rider Challenge
These boots are almost $400 new – and I got them for a smoking hot deal! Their only drawback is that they have a slim calf, so I can’t quite zip them up all the way. But my goal over the next 6 weeks is to lose a few pounds, hopefully in my calves! So then I can get the boots zipped up all the way. But the biggest difference over my field boots is the footbed of these boots. There is so much support, I could walk in these all day. They are so much more comfortable than my field boots. And if I am comfortable, I will do whatever it is I am doing for longer periods.
July 24 Training: Timon, Training: Pumbaa
Today was the first time my farrier got to meet my new horses. And I wasn’t sure how this was going to go. I mean, both horses are calm and quiet with me, but I don’t know their full history, and I had no idea of what to expect with the farrier.
Pumbaa was awesome and just stood there the entire time.
Avid Rider Challenge
Timon, on the other hand, well Timon did not have as good of an experience.
I think this was partially due to the fact that he wears shoes on his front hooves due to lameness issues.
However, I have a great farrier, and through his solid experience, and advice, he could remove the wedge pads that Timon was wearing and just put front shoes back on him.

This did take some time. And then my neighbor’s horse was turned out, and after about an hour, Timon was pretty much over being held. He felt it was time to be done, and he was getting antsy.
By the time my farrier got to Timon’s back hooves, it was becoming obvious that we were about at Timon’s breaking point. And my farrier said, ok, he’s done for the day. Better to end on a sort of positive note, I guess. I don’t want Timon to associate the farrier with a wrestling match, right?

And once I turned them both out a little bit later, Timone actually cantered out into the back pasture – I have never seen him do this before. So even though it was a bit of a challenge and a lot of trial and error on the shoeing part and the pads, he was definitely feeling good. This makes me so happy!
Almost to the End of the Challenge!
And with that – I have achieved 34 sessions with my horses, and we still have a week to go. I have got to see how far I can go with this.
July 26 Training: Timon
Ok, after having a full day ‘off’ because of the new configuration of Timon’s shoes, today was a good day to see how he was feeling and do some groundwork.
So we started with being tied and groomed. He was perfect. He stood still and let me do a quick all-over grooming. I lifted all 4 of his feet with no issues. It’s really interesting being able to ‘see his foot now, versus when he was wearing the pads.

Then we went out to the arena for some lunging work. I did use a true lunge line for this session. This allowed him to move out further away from me. I think this made it easier for him to find his balance on a larger circle.
We Got This
He moved very well and seemed to have less of a ‘bob’ when he went to the left. Going to the right, he is fine. It’s on the left that he seems to bob his head a bit. But he did look better today. Less of a bob, for sure.
So I continued with the lunging and, from the trot, asked for the canter. Again, on the left, he has a problem picking up the left lead.
So I would bring him back down to the trot and then ask again. It took a bit, but he got it. I can see he needs a lot more work on the left because he does prefer going to the right. I think most horses have a preference, don’t they?
And one way to help my horse is to start him on the left, then go to the right, and then back to the left. I will spend more time going in the left direction until he feels strong and comfortable going either way.
July 29 Riding: Timon
With the weather forecasted to be hot and then stormy this afternoon, I made a point to ride Timon in the morning. I spent extra time cleaning both stalls and pens and then gathering my riding and grooming supplies, so everything is ready to go when I would go out to ride him.
And at 8:30 in the morning, it was already 71 degrees, so I knew I needed to get out and ride him sooner rather than later.

I am really liking him in my dressage saddle. It’s easier too. I don’t have to bring out my saddle because it is always in my tack room. It’s synthetic, doesn’t require a lot of care, is lightweight, and he goes well in it.
Avid Rider Challenge
And my arena is definitely getting into good shape. The ground is staying nice. And I have been ‘repurposing’ the sand that is in the creek bed at the end of our property and bringing up a wheelbarrow or two every evening to add to my arena. Since all of the rain we had in June pretty much removed all of the sand from one end of my arena, I need more sand. And this is free sand.
It is also giving me a workout every evening. This is good, but I hate working out! But my arena is worth it. And yes, I could use the tractor. But I would rather do a little leg work, so to speak, and build my muscles out of the saddle and in the saddle.
And lately, every ride seems to be a gangbuster ride. I am so happy with Timon. He did very well.
He is definitely improving, and I think I am too.

July 30 Riding: Timon
Ok, this is probably my last ride for the month! So I wanted to make sure I got it done. So I decided that today was the day I would get out with Timon on the trail. He has done fantastic inside the property, so today was the day we would go off property. I tacked him up and went to the arena first. I lunged him for about 15 minutes like I typically do. And when he was quiet, I put his bridle on and led him out back.
He was very excited to be seeing something new. His ears were perked up, and he was very attentive to the ‘outside world.
Once I climbed into the tack, he was good! He was so good! He stood still and didn’t walk off until I asked him to. Such a good horse. So we walked from my property to the trail. He was interested but not flighty at all. So we walked off down the trail. And with all the rain that happened in June, the creekbed has a lot of sand. So I just walked him down the side of the creek. I acted as if this were one of our training sessions in the arena by asking him to change direction, bend around my leg, or even just a little bit of flexing to each side. He was completely calm and just such a joy! This was a fantastic way to end not only the month but also the Avid Rider challenge.
Figuring Up All My Sessions
Total Training Sessions for July: 19
Grand Total for the challenge: 37!
Holy moly! I did it! I did it! YES! I was able to complete the challenge – and I did more than the bare minimum! t doesn’t seem possible, but I did it! I cannot believe I was able to finish this challenge. Honestly, I wasn’t sure that I would be able to commit to it – but I did.

The above photos were clipped from videos, so not the best quality. But I wanted to see if I would be able to see a difference in Timon from the day I brought him home through the end of the challenge. And the one difference that I can see is that he is more mellow and calm. I think I can tell a difference in myself as well. Basically the same thing, mellow and calm!
Avid Rider Challenge is Complete!
And I feel that because of this challenge, I have a much better relationship with both of my horses. Looking back to the beginning of the challenge, these were my goals:
- Spend more time with my horses- done
- Increase my riding time – done
- Gain a steady leg while riding – done
- Gain confidence in the saddle –done
- Being able to walk, trot, and canter confidently – work in progress
- Go on a trail ride – done
- Go on a ride through my neighborhood –not achieved
I was able to achieve almost every goal that I set for myself. And I call that a win. Not only was I able to complete the challenge, but I set realistic goals for myself and finished most of what I set out to do.
What a fantastic way to start my journey with my new horses!
This was such a fun challenge to work through. It was a long one, but so worth it. If you want to check out Ride for Success and the challenges they currently have going on, you can find out all about them here.
Happy Riding!
Hi Lisa, your ponies are looking so well, and the effort and time are paying off , and the time you spend with them strengthens the bond between you. Have you had a look at the Pessoa Training System, I use one on my horse, it really helps them to become more supple and round, have a look at the official Pessoa training video, I say the official one because there are others on YouTube who make videos but don’t use it correctly, summer is coming to an end, but my favourite time of year is autumn, I think you call it fall, cooler days but still some warmth in the sun, anyway, have a look at the video and see if you think it might benefit you.
I love watching you progress, love Jane 🐴🐴
OMG, I loved this post! I see so many of my own challenges and victories in what you say here. I also have 2 rescue horses, and it’s a struggle to find the time to give them both the time and attention they deserve. One of them is a 4yo who I am starting very slowly, and I have some of those same worries about how he will respond to things. The other is turning out to be my show horse, we have attended several dressage shows this year, riding the Intro tests. He is the best boy and is very happy to go to a show and eat grass and only work for a few minutes. I have owned and shown a horse in the (distant) past, and I was surprised at what an enormous effort it was to reincorporate it into my life. For the first time, I have my own horse trailer and horse, it should be a snap! It has been a lot of work and anxiety, but now that show season is wrapping up (I have my last show tomorrow, in the rain…) I feel like I finally have a good routine and comfort level. It grows by baby steps, just like you say. I’m already looking forward to next year’s show season, I hope we will move up to Training level and maybe even some Intro 2-Phase! I smiled so much at your “accidental” canter – for months I couldn’t get Tinker to canter, I worried something was wrong with him (or me…). Finally I got my 7yo son to run around the arena, and Tinker hopped right into that canter to chase him! There’s always and unconventional training strategy that’s just right for you and your horse, and where you are at that moment. I’ll be checking in again to see how you and your adorable horses are growing together!