Improving Your Confidence
Riding horses can sometimes be scary. Things happen. Horses spook, or something else happens that shakes us. So today, that’s why I want to talk about improving your confidence.
If you have a fall, or something scary happens when you are working with your horse you first need to overcoming that scary moment. If it has recently happened, that memory is deeply engraved into your short term memory. However, as the days pass , that scary moment will be pushed further and further back. And with every small success you have with your horse, your confidence will be restored.
Getting Over It
To try and overcome the scary moment, we have to restore our confidence level. In order to do this, take a few steps back and do something you enjoy with your horse.
Take your horse for a walk, or maybe just spend some time just grooming you horse and making him look pretty. Spend a few days doing what brings you joy hanging out with your horse. Just that time can give you a renewed energy and happiness with your horse.
Baby Steps
After you have had a couple of days to restore your confidence level, venture out and push yourself a little bit. If you were riding and something scary happened, tack up your horse and maybe just walk around the arena with him. Or work him from the ground, a lot. If you have had a successful schooling time, consider stopping. In my opinion, it is always best to end on a positive note. If you feels good about the session, end it.
After a few successful “building up” sessions, it’s time to move on to the riding. Warm your horse up, and really have him ready to work. You want him to be in the right frame of mind before you climb up on him. Once you are happy with how he is going, it’s time for you to ride.
Another Day Completed
Again, we are building upon our successes. If that means riding around for 10 minutes, or an hour, that’s great! But again, remember to end the training on a positive note.
If you repeat this process a lot, you will find you can be successful, and you will be a better rider. Don’t forget to do your plank exercise and write down your time, and congratulate yourself on a day well done!
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