I always look forward to Friday, and then even more to Saturday. I love Saturdays. For me, Saturday is the best day because it’s the beginning of my weekend. Two days off from work, two days to play with my horses and get caught up on things I missed during the week.

And sometimes even just veg out in front of the TV in the afternoon and watch whatever favorite movie might be on. Oh yes, I love Saturdays.
Friday is Good Too
However, I look forward to Friday as well, almost as much as Saturday. Because on Friday, I get to plan for the weekend. And on pay day Friday, I make a list of things I need to do, so I don’t have to do them on Saturday, or Sunday.
And when I have a good plan, it sets up for a great weekend. Especially if I don’t have to go anywhere. I’m a homebody. My favorite place to be is at home.
So early Friday morning, I will typically plot out what I have to do in order to have the perfect weekend. Say this Friday for example. My car was running on fumes, so I had to get gas. And while I had planned on doing this at lunch time, my gas gauge told me otherwise.

I hate not having a full tank of gas. So I stopped on the way to work and filled up my tank. Boom. One chore completed, and it isn’t even Saturday yet.

Then I made good use of my lunch break and stopped at Bed Bath and Beyond and used yet another gift card to buy some pillows. I have always wanted to try the My Pillow.

And they were already on sale, and then I had a 20% off coupon, meaning I got two pillows for free! I did end up buying a new rug to go in front of the dog door, but that too was on sale for $7.99, which was a fantastic deal. And we needed it. #justify
Almost Done…..
And even though I was tired, and wanted to get home, I had one more stop to make. The feed store.
I don’t know why, but buying horse feed is cheaper in town. So I stopped at Murdoch’s, and got grain, beet pulp, and pellets. I think I got enough for the month, which is nice. I love having enough horse food for the month. Now I just need shavings…..

And thankfully my husband works from home. So I can typically have dinner waiting for me by the time I get done putting the horses away for the night. And tonight was no exception.
So after the horses were tucked in, and my belly was full, we cozied up on the couch to catch up on some of our favorite shows.
It is just so nice to be able to work all week and then leave work at work. Come home, and relax (sort of) for two full days. And looking forward to sleeping on a pillow I have wanted for years made it even better.
Good Morning Saturday
Waking up Saturday was amazing. The My Pillow truly is awesome. I’m glad I bought it.
And after rolling out of bed, getting my coffee, filling Plezant’s bucket with water and pellets, and letting the dogs out, I could plan my day. Not too bad for even sleeping in until 6:00 AM.
I love planning my day. I’m a planner. So I start by opening up my computer, checking through my email, and then make my list of what I want to get done for the day.

I usually have a lot more on my list than I can get done. But I still enjoy making a list.
Planning the Day
And this Saturday I have a few things that I really want to get done:
- Clean stalls (muck out, PDZ down, clean shavings in place, and swept all around the pens)
- Fill hay nets (all 24 of them)
- Sweep out the barn (and clean tack, organize the space and stare at it’s glory)
- Get shavings (means going to the local feed store)
- Write 2 blog posts (means doing the research, and then writing the posts)
- Film 3 videos (means coming up with the idea, and then creating a script, record, stop, record, stop, and so on.)
- Edit 1 video (lots of time sitting and cutting video clips – usually while watching a movie in a big comfy recliner. Hunger Games anyone?)
- Clean the house (lots of cleaning and putting things away. Laundry, dishes, vaccuming, dusting, etc.)
- Organize the garage (getting feed area cleaned, and all empty bags tossed into trash)
- Drag the arena (only if the ground isn’t frozen)
- Groom the horses (blankets off, music on, and lots of elbow grease!)
- Fill the water tanks (dump the water, clean all the buckets, and fill)
- Ride Plezant (?) (maybe? Or just tack him up and walk around? We’ll see.)
And this is just a portion of what I want to get done for the day. But these are the most important things to get done. Yep, just another relaxing Saturday!

While my list might be large, this is just a goal. If I don’t get everything done, that’s ok. But I find that if I map out what I want to do, I get more done. And the more I get done, the happier I am.

For example, if I get the barn chores done, it makes me so happy to go out and see the stalls and buckets clean. While my tack and feed area is all nicely organized. And the area where I get Plezant’s meals ready all tidy, and lots of feed for the next few weeks.

Saturday is My Happy Day
Not having to go to work, and just being able to get done what I want to get done is magical.

I think its just the fact of being able to do what I want to do, and at the same time if I feel like doing nothing (sort of) I can do that too. There is still Sunday to get things done. Having the option to do what I want to do is why I love Saturdays so much.
You are so smart to fill 24 hay bags at one time. That has to save a lot of time and clean up on a daily basis. I am all for anything that saves time and money so you can spend more time doing other things you want to do with your horses, etc. Excellent idea, Lisa! 🙂
Thank you Rebecca! It is so helpful! And while I try and fill them as I use them, it doesn’t always happen. But having everything ready to go motivates me to continue to ‘try’ and keep them filled, most of the time lol 🙂