A long time ago I shared with you an online Horse Fair put on by Because of the Horse. The fair was called Art of the Horseman. And it was the first time I had seen an online opportunity to ‘go’ to a symposium all about horses, and having access to many different trainers all in one spot. It was awesome.
I liked it so much, I actually bought the lifetime ticket they had, which allows me to continue accessing that information as long as I want too. And I do go back and revisit it from time to time. But now, they are doing it again. There is a new Because of the Horse fair, and it’s coming real soon!
Art Of The Horseman
This is the third annual fair. And there are hundreds of presentations that are being presented by 60 different professional horse people. From trainers to veterinarians, there is something for everyone. And the online fair is broken up into 3 different arenas, or areas for you to study. Here is what each arena section is….
Horsemanship Arena
The Horsemanship Mindset…What it is and how you can develop it…
Allowing you to be more effective, get more done, and become the one your horse looks to for guidance.
✔️How and why training is NEVER “one size fits all” when it comes to you and your horse. (Your toolbox will exponentially grow allowing you to always find the best solution in all situations.)
✔️How to get your horse to reliably listen, even if he is scared or distracted. This matters because your horse trusts you and seeks your guidance. (Jack Curtis’s presentation shows you just that)
✔️ How to create the confidence, unity, partnership and understanding you always wanted. With fun new ways to create meaningful and interesting experiences with your horse that will have him waiting at the gait for more.
✔️ How to find your horse’s hidden talents and strengths, and use them to get what you want.
✔️ How and why you shouldn’t hope your horse trailer loads, instead know they will, Kate Fenner will show you how, with love and kindness at the forefront.
Personally, I am VERY excited to watch Kate Fenner discuss the trailer loading. Plezant isn’t a fan of horse trailers. And working him through his fear is preventing me from taking him to a horse show. SO hopefully this will help us!
Horse – Mind, Body, Spirit Arena
When you understand the whole horse, you will become an educated advocate for him. Your horse will thank you.
✔️ The key ingredients in keeping a happy healthy horse.
✔️What to look for in a balanced hoof trim.
✔️ What makes your horse tick, his attitude towards “training” and the perfect environment you can create today for him to flourish. (Covered in countless presentations.)
✔️ What suppling exercises are best for your horse, and how work them into your routine.
I love learning about what makes horses do the things they do, don’t you? The horse focused arena looks to be very interesting during this years fair.
The Mindset, Riding, and Health Arena
The #1 Key to a Better Horse… Hint… It begins with you! (and it’s not that hard)
✔️ How to make real progress, and make it effortlessly. (Discover 17 simple and actionable techniques shared by these leading experts)
✔️ Five secrets to reversing rider stiffness. Dissolve your bad postures and habits, and find your own best position.
✔️ What specific yoga exercises you can do today that will drastically improve your ride.
✔️ The EXACT step-by-step formula to increase confidence, allowing you to breakthrough your riding plateaus.
✔️ 3 simple things you can do to find your best position, as you connect with your horse. (Paula Curtis shows you how to by making it easy and fun)
Ok, so all of these sound like exactly what I’m looking for! I can’t WAIT to dive in to this arena! and then once I’m feeling confident with what I’m learning, I can take it outside and apply it with this guy.

Get Your Free Ticket
Doesn’t this sound great? I don’t know about you, but I am excited to learn and then apply what I have learned to my own horse-mastership. And not being able to work with a trainer one on one makes it difficult to improve. And The Art of the Horsman Fair will be live July 12th and 13th this year. Yes, in just a couple of days!
And if you click on any of the links that I have provided, you can get a FREE ticket to watch the presentations. You have a full 2 days to gather as much information as you can. And to watch, and rewatch any of the programs.
You have nothing to lose, and you might learn a thing or two to help you along your own personal journey with your horse. So what are you waiting for? Get your FREE ticket right now!
Schedule of Events

In case you are wondering what you will be able to watch, here is a list of the presentations for you
Horsemanship Arena
- Confidence Away From The Herd
- 3 Steering Exercises You Need in Your Training Toolbox
- How to Teach the Spanish Walk Using Bridge and Target
- The Art of Long-Lining
- Rewarding Riding for Horse and Rider Part 1
- Balanced Riding
- Part 1: Lightness vs Softness – Groundwork & Riding in the Round Pen
- Understanding and Improving Lateral Work
- Why Horses Spook and the Lies we Get Told about Spooky Horses
- Working With Head and Ear Shy Horses
- Preparing for Success from the Ground
- How to Get Your Horse Fit
Rider Mindset, Riding and Health Arena
- PHASING & PHRASING – How to Use Strategic Intention (and less pressure) to Communicate Clearly with Any Horse
- Find a Secure Jump Position Through Gridwork
- Make Every Ride Count – How to Structure Training Sessions
- Improving the eye for balance full length
- Through the eyes of the horse Part 1
Horse – Mind, Body, Spirit Arena
- Relax and Supple From The Ground
- ABC Of Behaviors
- Fixing a lateral walk in hand
- A structure to suppleness
- Finding Happiness with Horses
- Giving Horses a Voice
- Tailoring your training session to your horse individual personality
- Setting up for Success – Before you Start
- Using Science With A Difficult Trailer Loading Horse
- How to Become your Horses Favorite Human Part I
And these are just a sampling of the presentations that are available on DAY ONE! That’s incredible! How is that for a lot of learning? I know I’m excited, how about you?
Free Online Horse Fair!

And like I have pointed out, multiple times in this post, You can watch and learn from all of the presenters for FREE with your ticket!
So, just one last plug – get your free ticket for The Art of the Horsman 2021 Online Fair and get ready for lots of learning on July 12-13, 2021!
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