It. Is. Done! Our little coat closet is finished! And just in time for the holidays! My husband completed his part (the hard part) and all that was left for me to do was the finish work. To make it feel ‘done’. So this is our DIY coat closet reveal!
In The Beginning
Let me go back a few months. Before we started this project, the only place to store coats, keys, hats and gloves was on the back wall in our dining room. Which works ok, but it looked cluttered.
Ever since we bought our home I have thought about how awesome it would be to have a little coat closet to hang things up as we walked in the door.

But in true Goodwin fashion, we decided to add some hooks and make it look pretty. Which is why a few years ago we added the bead board along with a bunch of hooks to hang our coats, and whatever else came inside with us.

However when people would come over, I would always remove everything and put the clutter somewhere else. Now I don’t have to do that anymore.
Our New Closet
And after my husband did the hard part of actually building the closet, all I had to do was pretty things up a bit.

He took care of the floor, the door and the trim. Along with the interior of the closet.

And then my first job was to tape and texture the drywall. The drywall tape and mud was the easy part. But adding some knock down texture was more challenging. I didn’t want to rent a texture maker thingy. So I bought a couple of cans of spray texture. This stuff is fantastic! You shake it like spray paint, and then just spray it on,

Wait a few minutes

And then knock down the texture with a large plastic putty knife. Then I let it dry for a few hours.
I also caulked all of the open areas of where we added the shelf as well as the door trim.

Adding the caulk gives everything a seamless appearance. And then all that was left to do was paint everything, including the door and the trim.
Once the paint was dry, I put on a door handle set that I already had. I guess it was a good thing I bought this extra door set 5 years ago. See, you can find a use for extra things. #hoarder
The Finished Coat Closet

And this is our coat closet, all done! We had to wait a couple of weeks to complete it because we had to special order the door from Lowes.
All of the doors have been replaced in our home, and I wanted this door to match, Because I am not only matchy-matchy with my tack, but also inside my home.

First I looked at Home Depot, but to get the door I wanted it would have cost $225.00. So I decided to see if Lowes had one, and they did for $100.00 less. But we would have to wait 2 weeks for it.
It was worth the wait to save $100.00.
And now our closet door matches the rest of the doors in our home. Which to me is important, and doesn’t make the coat closet look like a DIY project.

It looks like it was always there, and not an afterthought.
There is plenty of room inside the closet for our coats, shoes and boots. As well as room to hang some hooks so our dogs leashes have a place to live as well.
Extra Storage Outside As Well
Not only did we create an awesome addition to the inside of our home, but the closet gave us the opportunity to add more storage in our garage.

My husband redid the drywall that he had to take out for the closet, and added a shelf, and some hooks to hang our garage necessities.
And even though this project took was a little bigger and took a little longer, I could not be more happy with the end result.
DIY Coat Closet Reveal
This was a project I have been wanting to do for YEARS. And it is finally complete! All in we spent about $500.00. Which may seem like a lot of money, but I think it adds to the value of our home.
I have no idea of how much it would have cost if we would have hired it done, but I know it would have been more, and probably would have taken just as long to get it done.

I am so grateful that my husband is motivated to do projects like this. And I am very lucky that he is so detail oriented and did a lot of research before completing the closet.
And with the completion of this project, now it’s time to find another bucket list project to complete!
You guys did an excellent job on the closet. It looks like it was always supposed to be there. Thank you for sharing. 🙂
Thank you so much Rebecca!!!!! I am so happy to finally have a ‘real’ coat closet 🙂
Two thumbs up! 🙂
🙂 🙂 🙂 Thank you Rebecca!