Weekly Video Wrap Up (x2)
Last week I was so busy that I wasn’t able to get up a weekly video wrap up. But I decided that I would include those videos in this weekly wrap up, just in case you wanted to see what I was able to get out there. But I think it would be confusing to say what day they came out. Then there would be two Mondays, two Wednesdays, and…well you get the idea.
I always seem to have a plan of videos to make, and then stuff happens, and I am not able to make the videos I want, or I get an idea for a new video that consumes me, so I just do that instead. And I was really thinking about uploading daily for a while to see if this would help push up my subscribers, but I really don’t want to overwhelm my amazing subscribers by spamming them with tons of new videos, so I am going to stay with 3 videos a week, for now…
Tack Room Tour!!!
I love watching tack room tours on YouTube. It’s fun to see what other people are doing with the space they have, and since I just recently redid my tack room, I wanted to share it too! Having my tack and feed room in the same barn has been very helpful for me.
I like having everything in one place, and my little red barn is the perfect place to have my tack, and my horses feed. So I jumped on the video bandwagon, and decided to share my tack room tour with the world.
Easy DIY Outdoor Flower Arrangement
I know this may not seem like an equestrian idea, but you could use these flowers for flower boxes for jumps, or if having artificial flowers means I don’t have to spend the time I have caring for flowers, this gives me more time with my horses and I still have pretty flowers at my front door. I call that a win-win!
And these fake flowers just looked so pretty, I had to make a video about it. I wrote a blog post earlier telling you exactly what flowers I bought from Amazon to make these colorful arrangements, just in case you wanted to make some for yourself.
Practicing What You Learn In Your Riding Lesson
I really enjoy making riding lesson tip videos. It helps me to remember what I have learned, and maybe the tips will help someone else. And in this video I thought it would be important to talk about practicing what you learned at your lesson. I felt this was important because if you just do something one time, you may not remember it. And there are some things (like posting on the correct diagonal) that take time to master.
So if you have the opportunity to practice what you have learned, you will improve and you will get the most out of your riding lessons. And riding lessons aren’t cheap. So isn’t a good idea to practice what you have been learning, so you can get better? I think so.
March Jump Of The Month
I was a little late with posting this video, but I was really proud of how this jump turned out so I had to make a video of it. This jump was a compilation of all of the components of the jump I had been working on for the previous month, and I really wanted to share with you how versatile this jump could be.
And this jump was my featured jump of the month for March, which I wrote a blog post about too.
Noel Asmar Equestrian Long Sleeve Tee Shirt Review
I have done review videos before, but I had never done a clothing review. I thought it would be easy, because I love this shirt, but it was hard! I will be writing a blog post upcoming this week to share some more thoughts on this shirt. The more I wear it, the more I love it! And if you want to get your own, you can find the best price at Riding Warehouse.
Riding Lesson Tips – When You Can’t Get To Your Lesson
And we wrap up the week with another riding lesson tip. I did write a blog post about this too, things to do when you can’t get to your riding lesson. There never seems to be enough time to spend with our horses, so instead of being bummed about not being able to get to your lesson, I share with you some ideas of how you can make the most of that down time.
That’s A Wrap!
Well that’s it for the week! Well, actually two weeks. If I had 6 videos a week regularly, that might be a little much. It would be cool, but a lot of content for you to consume. So like I said in the beginning, for now I will keep it to 3 videos a week. And I don’t think I will plan ahead for what will be coming out in the next week. But I do promise to create at least 3 videos a week for you to watch. Even as I am writing this, I have had about 8 new video ideas I had to write down. I never seem to run out of ideas for videos. This is a good thing, right?
Ok, I will end this for now because I have to go get ready to craft some new videos for nest week. I think you will like them, I have some great ideas! And if you want to know what they are when they come out, be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel The Budget Equestrian so you can be notified when they come out. And check back every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for a new video. Thanks for watching!
love to see more tack room tours, DIY products like the showsheen, etc., grooming box tours, organization ideas, barn hacks, riding lesson tips, and barn maintence. Thanks. Love your channel. It is my favorite of all horse channels, please subscribe to mine Kayla Pearson. I rescue horses and turn them into eventers! Have a great day! Also facebook friend me mountain creek stables!