Weekly Video Wrap Up
Well it’s that time again, time for my weekly video wrap up! I was right when I said I would be scaling back on video production when the weather got nicer. Spring officially came last week, and I think we decided to see how much stuff we could do in the matter of only a week.
Outside of making videos, my husband and I worked on moving dirt, grooming my soon to be arena, working in the yard, building some jumps, working with the horses, and the list goes on and on. Add to that working 40 hours a week and regular chores, and that makes for a very busy week! I have also been working with Ethan a lot because I gave myself a 6 weeks challenge to get him ride-able and looking great, so I just don’t seem to have enough time in the day to get everything accomplished.
But I do tend to over do it. My to-do lists for the weekends end up being 4 pages long. Yep, not enough time in each day. But it is a new weekend, meaning a new week for me. So I should probably share with you the videos I made for this week, so we can get to work, don’t you think?
Monday – Awesome Tack Unboxing
This was a fun video to make. I bought a new saddle, and I opened it in front of the camera. The box set there, taunting me to open it for like 3 days. But I had promised myself I would not open the saddle until I could film it.
I really like this saddle, and I was able to give some close up views of it, in case anyone else is considering getting a saddle like this. And I also added a link to the saddle in the description. I don’t know how it happened ,but I found a killer deal on this saddle. When I looked at just the saddle on State Line Tack, the prices was $379.00, not too bad for a new saddle really. But then I also saw they had a package deal which included the stirrups, synthetic leathers, and synthetic girth. And the cost for the saddle, plus the fittings was $300.00! What?!?!?! I thought it was a typo, but I clicked it, added it to my shopping cart, and checked out. I really thought I would get an email telling me “sorry, this was a mistake.” But that never happened, so I got the saddle, and the fittings, shipped to me for free! And it only cost $300.00!!!
I am not sure if the price is the same, but just in case, I thought I would share the link with you here:
I don’t receive anything from State Line Tack for sharing this, I just thought it was a fantastic deal, and I wanted to share it with you.
Wednesday – March Saddle Box Unboxing
When I got this package in the mail, I was surprised at how fast the last month has gone by. This really solidifies spring is here. The time always seems to go faster when I stay busy outside.
And I love sharing with you what comes in these monthly subscription boxes. I was really happy with the box this month, and I will be posting a blog post on Monday about everything that came in this one. I also shared with you that I have teamed up with Saddle Box, and in exchange for writing weekly blog posts for them, I get an extra box to share with one person each and every month.
At the time of me writing this post, you still have time to enter for your chance to get your very own Saddle Box for free. Just go to the video and leave a comment of a goal you will commit to working on. Then on Sunday at 6:00 pm mountain time, I will use a random name picket to choose someone who left a comment, and on Monday, March 26, 2018 in my blog post I will announce who’s name was chosen. It could be you, so go leave a comment! Then come back to my blog on Monday, March 26, 2018 and see who gets a Saddle Box, it could be you!
Friday – Riding Lesson Tips – Setting Small Goals
Setting goals is one of my favorite things to do. Another is creating books of ideas for upcoming videos, but that is another topic all together. So let’s talk about goals. Goals that are small, and achievable are very rewarding. They help to boost your confidence, and help you to achieve bigger goals.
And my riding instructor must know me, or know what I’m thinking. Because during one of our riding lessons, we talked about setting a small goal every time I ride my horses at home on my own. This is why I love her. She is always thinking ahead, and helping me, even when I am not riding at her barn.
So I set a small goal to work on at home, and I was able to do it. So the next time I went to my lesson, I was able to share with her what she helped me to do. And that is what I talked about in this video.
I have also been writing a weekly series of blog posts sharing each of my riding lessons. And you can read more about my weekly riding lessons here.
What’s Coming Up This Week
As always I have big plans for videos for this upcoming week. I really want to get 4 videos uploaded, but it will be a challenge to get this done. I have a lot of other projects to do this weekend, but I am going to try to get 4 videos done. So this is what I have planned for the upcoming week:
- Monday – Knotty Horse Apricot Detangler Review
- Tuesday – Adding Moisture Lok Soil Conditioner To My Riding Arena
- Wednesday – Making A Beautiful Outdoor Safe Flower Arrangement
- Friday – Riding Lesson Tips – Using The Equilab App
I know, that is a big list of videos! We will see if it happens, but that is my goal for the weekend! I am trying really hard to get to 10,000 subscribers on my YouTube channel. And my thought is that maybe by getting more videos up in a week, I might be able to reach that goal faster. I am getting down to my deadline of hitting 10,000 subscribers.
Help Me Reach 10,000 Subscribers – Please!
And the reason I want to achieve this goal is that every year YouTube holds a competition called Next Up and this is a week long boot camp that only happens once a year in either New York City, or Los Angeles. I want to go to this so bad, even more than riding. This is my ultimate goal for the past 2 years with my YouTube channel. To be able to go to a real studio, and learn more techniques to make my videos better would be so incredible.
But I am getting down to the wire here. Last year the entry submissions were in April. And the biggest hurdle for me is I need to reach 10,000 subscribers in order to enter. At the time of writing this, I only have 7,665 subscribers. (Only- lol) I am 2,335 away from that magic 10,000 number! So close, yet so far away! So if you have not yet subscribed to my YouTube channel, please check out my channel, The Budget Equestrian, and subscribe!
Maybe I should push myself a little harder in the next few weeks, just until I get to 10,000 subscribers. I don’t know. But I do know I want this! So maybe you will see a lot more videos from me over the next few weeks as I push to hit my goal. And this seems like an excellent goal to strive for, what do you think?
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