Day 16 Of The Confident Rider Challenge
Well, the day has finally come. Today I will be going to the doctor for my final check up after surgery. And I have been waiting for this day for so long. Am I cleared to ride? That is the question!
You know how it is when we always tell ourselves we will ride tomorrow, or how we never seem to make the time to spend with our horses? The time that we think we have an endless supply of? I felt this way, until back in February when I started going to the doctor for some health problems. And then by the time early April came around I found out I would be having surgery. And it wasn’t a simple surgery where you recover for 2 weeks and then all is well. No, I have to do things big, and I mean like REALLY big. My surgical recovery which I thought would be 6 weeks, turned into 12 weeks of no riding.
And I don’t mean to have my own pity party (whoa is me…..)
A Blessing In Disguise
And what I could have looked at like a negative has turned out to be a very positive thing as far as y relationship with Ethan is concerned. I was lucky that I was able to get back to work with him, from the ground, after 2 weeks. I could have been told no, but I think my surgeon knew I would do what she said. And I did, I followed all of the rules, and I have been careful not to over do it. I was not the typical post op patient, I actually listened to my doctor. I have seen too many times what happens when you don’t do as your told.
But the time that I have been restricted from riding has given me the opportunity to focus on a strong foundation with an incredible horse. And it was almost exactly 12 months ago that this horse bucked me off. And now that I have worked so much with him on the ground, I’m not afraid to get back on him. I am excited to get on him.
And that never would have happened, if I didn’t have surgery. I would probably still be doing what I always do…putting it off. But I have been given a very great opportunity to make a better relationship with my horse, which I have taken advantage of.
Waiting For 1:00 PM
As I wait in anticipation of my appointment, and planning my ride with Ethan this evening, I can’t let this day go without a challenge, right? I mean, we are in the middle of the confident rider challenge!
Daily Challenge
So for the daily challenge, I challenge you to pick something that is difficult for you, or your horse. Something that you have been struggling with, and dedicate your time today to doing that difficult thing. Take the time to get through something that is hard. And that is what we have been working on every day of this challenge so far. You want to make sure that your horse is ready for you to get into the saddle. And if he decided to act up, or be challenging, it’s MUCH better for that to happen from the ground. So do what you can to spend some extra time with your horse on the ground, before you climb into the saddle.
So pick something difficult to work on today, and hopefully tomorrow I will be sharing some photos of Ethan and I on our first ride! If not Ethan, then definitely Frisby. Because Frisby is my old faithful. And sometimes it’s better to go with old faithful!
Thanks for sharing your story lisa, good luck!!!! Hope all is well!!!