There are so many articles that tell you how you can earn extra money on the internet. Unfortunately many of those articles offer links to things like taking surveys, or putting you under someone else, so when you sign up they make money. Would you care to know how I know this? You guessed it, because I have fallen for it! Because I want to make earn money so I can support my horsey habit. Let’s face it, horses are expensive, and they stuff we ‘need’ for our horses can be really expensive. So I decided in order to support my habit, I would find ways I could really make money from the comfort of my own home.
There are literally thousands of ways you can earn extra money, this is just the tip of the iceberg! But to get your ideas flowing, here are a few ways that I bring in money:
EBay is one of the first places I turn to make some extra cash. I always have stuff that I can find to sell, and sometimes that stuff can add up to some serious cash. So when I find a new girth, or bridle that I really want, first I look on eBay to see if what I want is there, but then I create some auctions to bring in the cash. You could turn this into a full time job if you wanted to by branching out and finding things at yard sales, or tack sales and buying them cheap, and then listing them on eBay.
This is another great way to earn some serious cash. If you are crafty and make arts and crafts, you can open an Etsy store. It is very simple to do. You can niche down into specific areas so you may not get as much traffic, but the traffic you get will be looking for what you are selling. (Hopefully!) It does cost a little bit to create the listings, but it is really worth it, and it is an awesome feeling to open up your email and see that you have orders waiting to be filled.
Yes, you can broadcast yourself and make money! By creating a channel on YouTube you can upload videos, and by monetizing your videos, you can make money on them! The best way to be successful on YouTube is to create content consistently. SO don’t think you are going to upload 3 videos and make a million dollars, but if you give it time, and grow your subscriber list, create content people want to watch, and upload consistently, you never know what your income potential could be!
Stock Photography
There are many stock photography places online, I chose depositphotos, because I work with them, and I have had good results. But it is relatively simple, you take pictures, upload them into a gallery, and then people buy the photos to use however they want. You don’t have to have a super expensive camera, but it does help to have some skill when it comes to taking photos that can be used for commercial content. It is a different aspect of photography, but people are always looking for pictures to use online. It is the same thing as with everything else, create good content, and be consistent and you can make money!
Isn’t that funny how Fiverr was number five? I didn’t even plan that! But if you have any tech skills, or design skills, you can join Fiverr, and then get paid to do gigs. If you are tech savvy at all, this is a great place to make some extra cash. It can be creating voice overs, artwork, website building tasks, and hundreds of other ways to earn money!
This is just a sample of ideas to get you thinking about different ways you could potentially earn a little extra money to help support having a horse. But keep in mind, just like anything, you are going to get out of it what you put into it, so the harder you work, the bigger your rewards. The less you work, well then you probably won’t be very successful. But you have nothing stopping you other than yourself, so put yourself out there, and grow your wealth!
I am all about finding ways to make a little extra money so I can buy really neat stuff for my horses, like how I got my super cool saddle for free. If I have any more ideas, I will be sure to post them here so hopefully I can help you earn some money to support your horse habit too!
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